Tag Archives: teamwork

We Are Grateful For Our Work and Our Clients

There are blessings aplenty to be grateful for this year. We are coming in hot from several days of a very successful video and photo shoot with an amazing client. Hard work, yes. But we have joy and gratitude for the opportunity to work with smart, collaborative partners. As a bonus, the client’s entire team flew in from Arizona, California, Colorado and Florida. And others drove in from North Texas and Houston.

We worked hard, didn’t play enough. But we are grateful for the positive energy, in-person conversations and teamwork. These people, and the work we are doing together, were inspiring and will get us through the holiday hustle.

In addition, over the past several weeks, our network introduced us to amazing new connections. As well as, we have onboarded rocking’ new clients.

We Are Grateful For Our Team

Moreover, the team is shining. The rock stars are taking on new responsibilities. Jumping in when and where needed. And I won’t get started about our interns. Besides their energy, hard work and great contributions, one is now a master teleprompter engineer.

In addition to blogging about expressing gratitude to your internal team, clients and advocates, here are a few other things to consider. Not rocket surgery or brain science, but we all need refreshers from time to time, right?!?!

How To Show Gratitude To Those You Work With

Determine your key audiences and the best way to communicate gratitude with them using some of the following tactics:

  1. Phone calls — As the great Stevie Wonder sang, “I just called to say …” Pick up the phone. Express gratitude to your team, clients and advocates.
  2. Emails — A quick thank you with a custom expression of why you are grateful for colleagues, peers, networks and clients.
  3. Old fashioned greeting cards — These are a fav of mine. Make sure to include a handwritten, message.
  4. Custom holiday cards — Design a branded card or note card. We can help you with that.
  5. Handwritten thank you note — Use your branded company stationery to send a few sentences to those who you are grateful for.
  6. Zoom or Teams — For those busy folks or those not near, schedule a 15-minute video conference to tell them what they mean to you and your company.
  7. Coffee or lunch — Some still prefer face to face meetings. Schedule a few. Make it happen. For introverts like me, this is hard. But they are necessary.

If you want to chat further about how to express gratitude in business, contact us. We would love to help. Cheers to rolling into the hectic holiday season with a thankful heart. We are grateful for you, our readers.

Client-Agency Partnerships Require Nurturing

Client-Agency partnerships don’t happen instantly. Do you ever wonder what makes a strong working relationship between a client and an advertising agency? I’ve walked in the shoes of both and know first-hand the frustration that can ensue if there isn’t a solid relationship.

A successful partnership begins before the ink is dry on a formal agreement and is nurtured throughout the relationship. While there are many traits of a successful relationship, focusing on the following will help start a genuine connection from day one.

  1. Drive Home That You Are Partners
    It is critical from day one that both the client and the agency view each other as partners in a client-agency partnership. Both bring unique knowledge and skills to the table. The client knows their customers better than anyone and brings the overall goals, while the strategy and execution come from the agency. Everyone must work together purposefully and respectfully to make the vision come to life.
  2. Open and Honest Communication
    It’s ok for both sides to push back. Successful client-agency partners don’t always agree. Being open to honest feedback and seeing different perspectives provides a better result. Set boundaries when giving feedback. And remember, it should never be derogatory or condescending.
  3. Set Expectations and Define Success
    When establishing a new client-agency partnership, the client and agency must understand each other’s processes. Schedule an onboarding meeting to share best practices, processes and procedures, timelines, etc. It is also imperative to define success together. Everyone needs to understand the agreed-upon goals, that objectives are easily measurable, and KPIs are defined.

Team Client-Agency For the Win!

It is important to remember at the end of the day, the client and the agency are working toward the same goal. You’re a team. Yes, there will be disagreements at times. But a solid partnership built on mutual respect, trust, and open and honest communication is a winning recipe for a long-lasting and successful relationship.

The Pinnacle Moment

If you had to think of a pinnacle moment with the C.E.O.S. in your life, what does that look like?

Does it center around an act of kindness that was fueled by previously voicing a need? Providing a spectacular purchasing process because you answered all of the customer’s questions? Or simply, being affirmed by a team leader for a job well done?

Through each of these experiences, the space to have a conversation was created.

The Pinnacle Question

Celeste Headlee, award-winning journalist, professional speaker and best-selling author of We Need To Talk: How To Have Conversations That Matter, is notorious for creating these spaces with people and raises an important question in 2016 that is still relevant today.

 “Is there any 21st century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent, confident conversation?”

To put it simply, no.

Headlee believes that in order to hone this skill people need to engage in “honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening.”

Yet, sadly, this skill has been greatly inhibited by a highly polarized culture. One that is constantly driven by the need to speak with the intent to be heard instead of speaking with the intent to listen.

This egotistic intent, where the focus is on oneself instead of others, has created an unbalance that Headlee hopes to restore to balance.

“A conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, and somewhere along the way, we lost that balance.”

This unbalanced, polarized culture is fueled by the most trivial of issues from politics to entertainment. Nowadays people are so passionate for or against a side that the idea of compromise has become pointless to them.

“Pew Research did a study of 10,000 American adults, and they found that at this moment, we are more polarized, we are more divided, than we ever have been in history.”

Although this study seems daunting and irrevocable, Headlee’s decades of professional speaking experience allowed her to create a framework that will help renew the balance and bring people back to the roots of speaking with the intent to listen.

Headlee’s 10 ways to have a better conversation:

1: Don’t multitask. Be present.

2: Don’t pontificate. Enter each conversation with the assumption that you have something to learn.

3: Use open-ended questions. Find out the five W’s: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

4: Go with the flow.

5: If you don’t know, say that you don’t know.

6: Don’t equate your experience with the other person’s experience. All experiences are individual.

7: Try not to repeat yourself.

8: Stay out of the weeds. Focus on the root of the story not the trivial points.

9: Listen.

10: Be brief.

Although 10 rules seems like a lot to remember, Headlee states that if a person takes the time to master even one of these rules that they will be skilled enough to create a space to enjoy better conversations with coworkers, friends, and team members.


Whether you use one or more of these rules, Headlee’s TED Talk boils down to this, “Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”

I am truly amazed each day by the people in my life and grateful for the conversations that have made me into the person I am today.

My hope for you, is that this framework will help you flourish in your day to day conversations with the C.E.O.S. in your life and encourage growth in your soft skills.

Go out and do great things!

Bio on Headlee

Celeste Headlee presenting at TEDxCreativeCoast on 10 ways to have a better conversation.
Celeste Headlee presenting at TEDxCreativeCoast on 10 ways to have a better conversation.

Celeste Headlee, the speaker of this TED Talk, “10 ways to have a better conversation,” has over 20 million total views to date. Celeste’s work and insights are featured on TODAY, Psychology Today, Inc., NPR, Time, Essence, Elle, BuzzFeed, Salon, Parade, and many more. She has presented to over 100 companies, conferences and universities including Apple, Google, United Airlines, Duke University, Chobani and ESPN, and received the 2019 Media Changemaker Award, (celesteheadlee.com).

Empathy. Understand and share the feelings of another. More relevant in our country now more than ever.

Like many, last week on the Porch was spent defrosting from the massive winter storm.

Natural disasters occur. Business owners and leaders lead with empathy.

Heed these marketing and communication 101s:

  • Safety first. Focus on the wellbeing of your team, then your clients. Reach out to check on them, their families and business. Focus only on their immediate needs and any help you may be able to offer. Show genuine empathy for those in crisis. Everything else waits.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work. Thanks to one of our amazing team members, we had two co-working spaces. We were able to use that to communicate with our clients and to help them manage their internal and external business messages. In turn, it was easier for our clients to focus on their own team’s needs. Rally the troops that are available and get to work focusing on others’ needs.
  • In addition, dedicate to serving who, how and where you can. We know from our own experience that the smallest gesture can make a powerful impact. This time, the Porch had power so we were able to offer our space and internet, and laundry room, to our Clients and friends who did not. Other clients had water their neighbors did not and eagerly gave of their own resources. Others may simply need an ear to listen. Make it a point to let your clients know you are there to help them in any way you can, not only with the needs that earn you income.
  • After that, patience is a virtue. Rethink planned marketing initiatives.
    • Email marketing: Your communication can wait when other people are in crisis.
    • Social media posts: Meet your customer or Client where they are. During these times, emotions are highly-charged. Be authentic and empathetic.
    • Press releases: Don’t send press releases during times when a portion of the country is going through damaging events. Timing is everything.

Most importantly, extend empathy. There will come a time when you are facing your own unexpected storm and will need someone else to freely offer it to you.

In conclusion, we hope you and yours are safe, warm and damage-free. Client service is not simply our job; it is our heart.

Please reach out if we can help you.

From day one of my FPM internship, I quickly realized the importance of active learning and most importantly active application. The world of marketing thrums on the excitement of people bringing new ideas to life and sharing them with others. It’s only natural that this excitement creates a lively and dynamic environment where you learn lessons as quickly as you apply them.

Along this journey of active learning and active application, I was able to stretch myself in new ways. From trying to figure out how to prioritize your tasks to navigating uncharted waters, I give you – the ultimate list of lessons.

Top 5 Ultimate Lessons Learned

Ultimate Lesson #1

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Whether you get a job in the business world or take your neighbor’s dog on a walk, everything is a learning journey. When you don’t know what a certain word or task means, ask for example pieces. Once you see examples, you’ll be able to tweak your work as you go. By being open about your confusion, you’ll be able to get more clarity and open the channel of communication with your team.

Ultimate Lesson #2

Embrace your mistakes! No one is perfect – we are all human. Although we strive for perfection, the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes. Aim for a more efficient and effective thought process the next time you get a task you have trouble with. Undoubtedly, practice makes perfect!

Ultimate Lesson #3

Communication is key! A million and one things happen throughout the day and you can’t expect everyone to know what you are doing, nor can you assume that once you are done with your task that there isn’t more to be done. When you effectively communicate throughout the day with your team members, everyone is able to be on the same page. As a result, better teamwork is able to unfold.

Ultimate Lesson #4

Time management is KEY! When you are delegated multiple tasks with multiple deadlines, it’s imperative to write down a to-do list. Write the list from most important to least important and work your way down to increase efficiency. By creating this list, you’ll be able to track your progress throughout the day and create a drafted timesheet. At the end of the day, a completed list can give you the best feeling of accomplishment.

Ultimate Lesson #5

If you’re on time you’re 10 minutes late! When there is a time set for a meeting, client call, or even deadline, always aim to be present, poised, and punctual. Show initiative by being early. You’ll need those extra minutes for a bathroom break that would have overwise left your client awkwardly waiting for you at the front or needed when you attempt to submit a project right on the deadline but then your computer dies. Without a doubt, you never know what may happen so it is always best to be prepared with a pocket of time.


From being a senior at Baylor University to being an intern at Front Porch Marketing, I’ve used these pockets of wisdom in many facets of my life. These lessons have served me in more ways than one and now my hope is that they will serve you. May you flourish in all of your future endeavors!

Recently added to the Front Porch team, New Rocker Allison shares Porch insights on good marketing, life lessons, and an inside view on The Porch.

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

Marketing is solely focused on gaining new customers. This is a common misconception because it omits the importance of retaining current customers and misconstrues customers as only a number instead of a respected client. Although getting new customers is important, it is just as important to make sure that current customers are being equally prompted by the benefits of the product/service.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity?

Believe in your brand and find a way to guide your customers to see the brand through your eyes. Whether it’s a product or a service, show customers how your idea can change their life for the better.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Your uniqueness is not your weakness. Be proud of what you can bring to the table and always be willing to learn from your mistakes and others.

What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing requires creativity, persistence, and patience. Therefore, by taking the time to set a solid foundation and identify your core values as a company and as a team, you will reap the rewards of gaining loyal customers and positively impacting the world with your product/service.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

I would be in Greece, traveling from coast to coast, with ABBA naturally playing in the background.

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Gregarious, Amiable, and Confident.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

Working alongside a team of encouraging women who are always ready to take on a challenge.

In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?

We all believe in delivering the highest quality of our services and in the fruitfulness of investing in relationships with our clients and our teammates.

Your goals for FPM?

1. Pass on productive nuggets of wisdom to viewers who read my blogs.

2. Help a client’s goals become a reality.

3. Expand my professional network.

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

FPM is truly like a family. For example, no matter where I am working from or what I’m working on, I know I can always count on this team to have my back and help me achieve my goals.

How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

The FPM team is committed to be a helping hand to all who ask. Most importantly, no matter the product or service being sold, FPM will make sure that you are well equipped with the knowledge and assistance you need. Above all, we are here to make your goals a tangible reality.

Fun fact?

I have been to the middle of the world!

Thank you for tuning in as this New Rocker shares her Porch insights!

Next up in the Rocker Spotlight series is Front Porch Spring Intern Sarah Kiburz! A recent grad from the University of Arkansas, Sarah gives us the scoop on her internship and all things marketing.

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

That it is pushy and unwanted. People think marketing is all about selling something, which is partly true, but it is more so about meeting people’s needs.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Be confident and assertive! It is okay to highlight your accomplishments in order to get noticed. Hard work goes a long way, but you can’t expect people to note every good thing you do. Speak up and be your own advocate!

What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing meets the customer where they are. It connects on a deeper level, is expertly timed, and highlights the purpose behind the business.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

Either on a beach in Maui or watching a Broadway musical in NYC.

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Loving, thoughtful, driven.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

As Front Porch’s Spring Intern, I am able to work diligently on projects with minimal supervision. It is a great feeling when your boss trusts you and your work!

In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?

The team at FPM has aligned values in that they truly believe in the clients they work with. They establish deep relationships and are therefore able to create meaningful, high-quality work that resonates with customers.

Your goals for FPM?

I hope Julie and the team can continue to grow the business by adding clients and potentially expanding the team to take on a whole host of new clients. They are some of the busiest people I know, and they love a challenge!

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

I would describe the culture as incredibly inclusive. The team is a tight-knit group that likes to have fun, but everyone gets down to business whenever necessary. It is a fast-paced work environment where there is always something that needs to be done.

How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

FPM has an incredibly experienced team that acts as a powerhouse when it comes to meeting clients needs. They differentiate themselves with a casual and humorous approach to marketing but are no strangers to hard work.

Fun fact?

I am musically inclined! I danced(mostly ballet) for 12 years and played the violin for 6 years, which I have been wanting to pick back up. 😊

Teamwork is essential in so many aspects of our lives today. How many team hats are you wearing right now?

My kids’ closet shelves are scattered with different hats, jerseys and socks, for instance. I love all our different teams, whether its academic, spiritual, work, sport. We even call our family a team.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Big agency life perk is the opportunity to join brands and marketing teams spanning different sizes, categories and geography. Joining new teams to reach goals is one of our favorite things. We are energized and inspired regularly by the talented, dedicated teams we partner with to achieve defined objectives.

Did you know that our Chief Rocker blares Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney every day in her car during football season? The lyrics resonate with her for many reasons and because of the quotes by some of the greats at the end. Above all, her favorite quote is from Joe Namath: Life is a team game. It is the big game.

Effective teamwork is simultaneously simple and challenging.

We’ve rounded up nine factors that we link to team success. The folks that live and nurture these factors seem to achieve their targets effectively and consistently.

Nine factors of successful teams:

  1. Clear and Defined Goals
  2. Clear and Assigned Roles
  3. Be and Stayed Organized
  4. Respectful Interactions
  5. Constantly Communicate
  6. Equal Contributions
  7. Support Each Other
  8. Produce Quality Outputs
  9. Have FUN!

My family invests a lot of time in sports, we are a football, basketball, soccer and baseball loving crew. Therefore, team sports organically have all these components – how convenient for parenting two preteen boys! Do your teams hit all the notes?

Teamwork rocks!

Bidding farewell to my days as an intern Front Porch Marketing has led me to take a stroll down memory lane.

I remember the day my sister-in-law called me about an incredible internship opportunity with the company that she just began working for, Front Porch Marketing. She knew that with my marketing and entrepreneurial management background, that this company would be a great fit for me. Not everyone is given the chance to work for such a wonderful company that truly supports you and wants to watch you grow and learn, and I am grateful.

I began my adventure with Front Porch back in October of 2016, and as I reminisce about my time here, there is nothing but a smile upon my face. Throughout my experience, I have three major takeaways that I would like to share:

  • Culture. Front Porch has such a unique culture that highlights the entrepreneurial spirit in every rocker. It is completely open and collaborative, and everyone is encouraged to share their ideas. Whether it was the meetings, get-togethers to celebrate important life events, or just the occasional phone call to check in and see how you are doing, Front Porch’s culture truly exemplifies a family.
  • Opportunities. The Porch gave me the opportunity to form and maintain relationships with clients, learn about different marketing measurements and tactics, and to perform my daily duties with autonomy. I was invited to listen to speakers, go to networking events, and even create videos for the company. The rockers were always flexible with my school schedule and wanted me to embrace any opportunity that I could.
  • People. Some say, wherever you work, it is all about the people; this is completely, positively, absolutely TRUE! It is not just about the people you work with on a daily basis, it’s also the clients you are given the chance to work with, and your family and friends that cheer for you. I have had a lot of special people walk into my life throughout my time at Front Porch which has, in turn, made me the hard worker that I am today.

After my experience at Front Porch, it made me open my eyes to what I wanted in a company that I would potentially work for. Front Porch has taught me so much and I cannot thank all of the wonderful rockers that helped me along the way. For now, it is a farewell, but I will always come back to rock on the porch with ya’ll.


You’ve cultivated your own personal brand. You’ve pulled together an impressive resume, collected letters of recommendation, completed service hours, cleansed and monitored social media profiles. You are a model citizen waiting to hear the results of your application. Only, this isn’t a job application, or even a college application. This is the high school entrance process for magnet and private schools in Dallas. You heard me – high school.

These are 13 and 14-year-old students … and this is a typical experience for parents of middle schoolers this time of year.

I know I’m dating myself, but in my day, attending school was a relatively simple matter: application plus test and voila, you’re either in or you’re not. No big deal. In today’s uber competitive world, however, our young teens begin a grueling process that starts the year before. There are test prep classes, interview skills seminars, tutoring appointments, essay drafts, service hours and school tours. They begin building a resume that we never even dreamed of dealing with until college.

It is the crafting of what will become their personal brand.

In many ways it’s become a little too much. The transition from middle school to high school is fraught with plenty of landmines without this element of pressure added. But modeling the appropriate behaviors goes a long way in getting them through it. By reinforcing the process, not the outcome, it can become a learning experience. Along the way these children will learn resilience. Let’s face it, these are the years when teens face some of their first real rejection. It’s not easy.

Let me be clear, I am NO expert. We have one child and are muddling through with lots of good company in a wonderful environment filled with friends and other parents who are willing to share their experiences and offer tips. It’s an amazing village.

The good news is that there are plenty of options. With good counselors and faculty shepherding families through the process, the students will realize that the universe is watching out for them and whatever school they attend as freshman will be a good stepping stone for the next chapter of their academic experience. And the process teaches them that personal branding is an important part of their lives.