Tag Archives: gratitude

We Are Grateful For Our Work and Our Clients

There are blessings aplenty to be grateful for this year. We are coming in hot from several days of a very successful video and photo shoot with an amazing client. Hard work, yes. But we have joy and gratitude for the opportunity to work with smart, collaborative partners. As a bonus, the client’s entire team flew in from Arizona, California, Colorado and Florida. And others drove in from North Texas and Houston.

We worked hard, didn’t play enough. But we are grateful for the positive energy, in-person conversations and teamwork. These people, and the work we are doing together, were inspiring and will get us through the holiday hustle.

In addition, over the past several weeks, our network introduced us to amazing new connections. As well as, we have onboarded rocking’ new clients.

We Are Grateful For Our Team

Moreover, the team is shining. The rock stars are taking on new responsibilities. Jumping in when and where needed. And I won’t get started about our interns. Besides their energy, hard work and great contributions, one is now a master teleprompter engineer.

In addition to blogging about expressing gratitude to your internal team, clients and advocates, here are a few other things to consider. Not rocket surgery or brain science, but we all need refreshers from time to time, right?!?!

How To Show Gratitude To Those You Work With

Determine your key audiences and the best way to communicate gratitude with them using some of the following tactics:

  1. Phone calls — As the great Stevie Wonder sang, “I just called to say …” Pick up the phone. Express gratitude to your team, clients and advocates.
  2. Emails — A quick thank you with a custom expression of why you are grateful for colleagues, peers, networks and clients.
  3. Old fashioned greeting cards — These are a fav of mine. Make sure to include a handwritten, message.
  4. Custom holiday cards — Design a branded card or note card. We can help you with that.
  5. Handwritten thank you note — Use your branded company stationery to send a few sentences to those who you are grateful for.
  6. Zoom or Teams — For those busy folks or those not near, schedule a 15-minute video conference to tell them what they mean to you and your company.
  7. Coffee or lunch — Some still prefer face to face meetings. Schedule a few. Make it happen. For introverts like me, this is hard. But they are necessary.

If you want to chat further about how to express gratitude in business, contact us. We would love to help. Cheers to rolling into the hectic holiday season with a thankful heart. We are grateful for you, our readers.

Reminder: its almost Gratitude Week — or as most people call it, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite times of the year. Why? Because there is much to be grateful for and so many blessings to celebrate. So here’s your gratitude reminder!

Gratitude for Those Around Us

On the Porch, we are thankful for our team, supportive families and friends, clients and advocates. We are always looking for ways to show our gratitude to our village. In doing so, we often have opportunities to create new, authentic connections as well.

Five Ways You Can Share Your Gratitude to Clients and Customers:

  1. Share experiences. Host an event or invite them to attend events with the team. The time spent together is invaluable in building relationships and expressing gratitude toward one another.
  2. Share socially. Acknowledge loyalty on your company’s social networks.  Follow, like and comment on others’ posts.
  3. Share financially. Donating to a cause they care about signals your attentiveness to what is important to them.
  4. Share milestones. Commemorate birthdays, business founding dates, anniversaries together. Celebrating success is motivating and boosts confidence. We can all afford to celebrate more in life!
  5. Share simply. Thank them at each touchpoint and in every interaction. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. Gratitude is a gift you can share any time of the year!

A Big Thanks from The Front Porch

Your clients and customers play huge roles in your success and should be reminded of your gratitude at every opportunity. So from all of us on the Porch, thank you to our own clients, customers, and readers of this blog. We appreciate you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Practicing gratitude as a business leader can be challenging at times. Sometimes it is hard for business leaders to know what to be grateful for because of the many hats we wear, and the myriad of opportunities thrown our way each day. The big stuff often overshadows the tiny pieces of our everyday lives for which we should be grateful.


However, science has shown that regularly practicing gratitude makes you happier. Doing so makes you a better leader, which makes your team happier.

Want to be thankful at a time when it seems impossible?

Consider these things to find an attitude of gratitude:

  1. Focus on the here and now. Ask yourself what you are grateful for this very minute. Perhaps it is that you made it safely to work or appreciating your computer didn’t choose this instant to crash.
  2. Actively listen to a team member. Take time to truly listen to people when they talk to you, even though your mind is going a million different directions.
  3. Each time you talk to a team member, thank them for something. It doesn’t have to be a big something. Acknowledge a nicety they did for a teammate or client. Say a simple thanks for sharing their thoughts with you. Let them know when they brighten your day.
  4. Remember your “why.” Consider how the work you do benefits the people for whom you do it. Be thankful you have the opportunity to lead.

As a leader, go beyond. Go beyond yourself. Focus on showing thanks to others. Take it beyond Thanksgiving. Focus on practicing gratitude beyond this season of Thanksgiving.. Strive to live a life of gratitude, not just a season.

Julie Porter, Chief Rocker, is grateful for her precious family and their health, Texas high school football and the fabulous Front Porch Marketing team, clients and advocates. She tries to focus on showing gratitude to others daily as often as possible.

Here on the Porch we love rocking social media on behalf of our clients. Each platform has a slightly different tone, tenor and audience – and we enjoy the nuances of each and every one. Instagram is a light, happy platform that can tolerate a touch of irreverence, and truth be told, it’s my favorite.

Around here my colleagues playfully call me “Queen of Words,” and so it should come of no surprise to anyone that my personal feed is filled with wordy quotes. Inspirational quotes such as, “Surround yourself with people that force you to level up.” Quotes that speak to me, like “Be a good person but never waste your time proving it.” And funny, just-my-personality quotes like, “Sometimes things are just best said with an eye roll.”

I. Love. Quotes. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I share with you my 10 favorite Instagram quotes about gratitude:

  1. “Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” Karl Barth

  2. “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur Ward

  3. “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” Thornton Wilder

  4. “They do not love, that do not show their love.” William Shakespeare

  5. “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust

  6. “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey

  7. “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” Henry Ward Beecher

  8. “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie

  9. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

  10. “Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.” Nigel Hamilton

Beautiful and inspirational, right? May you all have a wonderful holiday, surrounded by everyone that you are grateful for! Happy Thanksgiving, from our Porch to yours.

Every year at this time, I sit down to write a blog that adequately expresses the gratitude I have in my heart. And the truth of the matter is, I struggle to find words weighty enough.

Friends, I am beyond thankful.

I am thankful that …

  • my dream of forming a company to do work that I love, every day, has become a reality.
  • my team of amazing professionals are not just co-workers; but also parents, warriors and above all else, friends.
  • I work for and alongside amazing client partners who value what we do, follow our lead and in turn, inspire us to grow and evolve.
  • the structure of my professional life allows me to be present for the important moments in my personal life. And I am proud that my entire team is able to do the same.
  • I have a loving husband who values and appreciates me.
  • I have strong, healthy, independent, amazing children whose successes bring me more joy than I thought imaginable. Don’t even get me started on this one. I am so grateful.
  • my entire family, but most specifically my parents, whose unending support and involvement in my life means everything.

I am thankful, friends. Beyond thankful.

Thank you, all of you, for making my personal and professional life rich and meaningful. My heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

The term “Pick Six” has long been associated with big success:

  • In horse racing, Pick Six is a wager in which a bettor picks one horse in each of six races, leading to a big payout.
  • In football, Pick Six refers to an interception (pick) being returned for a touchdown.
  • In lottery terms, Pick Six refers to the big payout that occurs when six regular numbers are picked.
  • In wrestling, Pick Six is a ranking system used by the Ring of Honor to determine championship contenders.Front Porch Marketing big success

Big. Successes.

And so, in honor of our sixth year in business, we on the Porch formulated our own Pick Six … for business success, big success!

  1. We’re picking Brand Architecture. It’s so important. When was the last time you really evaluated your brand? Is it due to be re-visited? We can help you look at it in a fresh way to ensure you are capitalizing on what makes you unique.
  2. Number two on our list of picks: What have we been up to on the Porch? We had an extremely rewarding experience (and an absolute blast) at the PowerGen Trade Show in Orlando with our rocking client, TodoModo. Check out our blog about the experience!
  3. Number three involves talking, and lots of it. What have we been talkin’ about? Maximizing your marketing! We spoke about that very thing at the Arlington Board of Realtors‘ Meeting January 27th.
  4. What we are off our rocker about? The Super Bowl! The Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots will face off in this colossal battle February 5th and we know what we will be serving at our soiree: The Barefoot Contessa’s Parmesan and Chipotle Popcorn, a chili bar (seriously genius idea – thank you Food & Wine Magazine) and Iron Skillet Peach Crisp. A Texas menu if we’ve ever heard one.
  5. Highlights from the Porch Team bring us to our number five pick. Our rocking’ interns, Grace and Rachel, have been an impressive breath of fresh air around here – and we are enjoying watching them weigh their next steps, as their graduation dates are rapidly approaching!
  6. And our final pick: The power of the referral in gaining new clients. We are continually amazed and humbled that our Porch family continues to grow through marketing and referrals. Thank you for all you do to keep our Porch rocking!

Please keep those many referrals coming. We are so grateful. Join us on the Porch via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to our blog here.

Thanks, friends, for riding the sixes with us. Here’s to another wildly successful year!

We are giving thanks for so much. We on the Porch are feeling very grateful. We have the best clients, amazing business partners, wonderful colleagues and the most rewarding professional work imaginable. AND, we get to do what we love Every. Single. Day. It rocks!

Our Team is grateful for all of you. And more!Print

Some beautiful words from the Rockin’ Roller: “I am thankful for our freedom. As I am ready to head to my childhood home to spend Thanksgiving with my family – my husband and daughter, my parents and my sister-in-law, niece and nephews – my brother will not be there because he is currently, voluntarily deployed to Kuwait where he is an Army Blackhawk pilot. I am thankful that there are people in this world like him who selflessly serve and risk their life so that we can enjoy freedom in this country. And I am thankful for amazing people like my sister-in-law who give everything to keep life as normal as possible for their three kids while he is away. And I am thankful for all of the veterans – including my dad and grandfather.”

The Rocketeer says, “This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my education, my family and my health. If I have learned anything from this year, it is that life is way too short and can be taken from us at any moment. I’m so thankful for the people I surround myself with every day.”

The Rock is thankful for, “Family, friends, a flexible job and, most of all, living in a country where we are free to celebrate the things we are thankful for.”

We celebrate our Rock Artist when she says, “I am thankful for my health. I just had my five-year checkup with my oncologist and I am an official five-year breast cancer survivor! Health is definitely something I did not used to take for granted, but I’m grateful every second of every day now. I am also thankful for our daughter – for my husband and me, being parents is the biggest joy in the world. Watching our six year old learn how to read, make friends and teach us (adults) how to see life from a new perspective is just amazing.”

Our Rock It Launcher has a list of thanks:
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Community
  • Opportunity
  • Charity
  • Kindness
  • Dallas CASA
  • Teachers and coaches
  • and last, but not least, comedians and laughter!

Our Chief Rocker weighs in: “I am so grateful for our team, family, clients, advocates, U.S.A. and Thanksgiving! This holiday rocks. My children continue to amaze me. Coming off Grandparents Day for my freshman and a blessed day with our lil. A highlight from last week was when our intern didn’t know who Snoop Doggy Dog was. I am forever grateful for always learning and gaining a new perspective. I am humbled to work with such great people in a country that allows me the opportunity to run my own business. I am very grateful that I can do this without sacrificing time with my family.”

The Future Rocket says, “I am thankful for opportunities I have. The opportunity for me to be positive and happy. The opportunity to go to class everyday and learn something new. The opportunity that I have to make healthy choices and be active every day. The opportunity to look at events as a chance to better myself, rather than something that will take up my time. Looking at everyday events as a chance to become a better person rather than looking at things as a chore, because so many people would love the chance to go to class early in the morning or go to the gym, but don’t have the opportunity to do so.”

Our Back Porch Rocker wraps it up by saying: “I am thankful for the insight, clarity and perspective that this year has given me. Sometimes, when things fall away, you are given the gift of rebuilding better and stronger than before.”

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. From our Porch to yours!

Friends, it’s that time of year. The leaves are falling, there is a chill in the air and we are simultaneously looking back at our fifth year in business and looking forward to our next rockin’ year. But before we wrap up our year-long celebration of fives, we want to share these last five branding and marketing vibes from the Porch:

branding and marketing vibes

  1. Gearing Up. Did you know that the Small Business Association suggests that as a general rule, small businesses with revenues of less than $5 million allocate 7-8 percent of their gross sales to marketing? And did you know that an international media strategy agency predicts that advertising spending will reach $179 billion in 2017? This is a 6.3% increase – the largest since 2010. Rock on with your marketing self.
  2. Looking Forward. The new year is around the corner! We are fully engaged with our clients finalizing their 2017 marketing plans and budgets. We are ready for a banner 2017!
  3. Rocking Our Talent. Our rocking team has it in spades! In 2017 we will continue to give our clients the very best we have to offer. Led by Julie’s second-to-none marketing vision and backed by Vanessa’s stellar branding and advertising expertise, Ann Marie’s excellence in public relations and communication, Tara’s extensive marketing and client management capabilities, Allison’s rocking graphic design capabilities, Jacqui’s blogging and wordsmith acumen and Darcey’s lead-the-charge management ensure that our clients are in excellent hands.
  4. Gratitude. Don’t think we don’t know it – we have much to be grateful for. Rocking clients who are true partners, hard-working and creative team members, talented business associates, loyal friends, and loving, supportive families – we are thankful for each and every one of you! Special thanks to our PeopleResults client partner, Shelli Walker for the invitation to speak at the first ever Arlington Chamber of Commerce Women’s Alliance’s Business in a Box workshop. Gratitude!
  5. Celebration. Five years. It’s a milestone. We celebrated this and more yesterday at our end-of-the-year team jam session.

Thank you, friends. Keep those many referrals coming. Join us on the Porch via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to our blog here.

Get ready for more rockin’ branding and marketing vibes in 2017 party people in the house.

We all recently celebrated Thanksgiving, spending the day focusing on what we’re grateful for. But it shouldn’t end there. Gratitude is not a moment, not a day, not a week, but a way of life.

There are obvious things to feel grateful about – food, shelter, family, friends. But don’t stop there. Be mindful. What does being grateful really mean? Where did the feeling come from?


According to The Gratitude Experiment, focusing on gratefulness and expressing gratitude raises our level of well-being and happiness. In an experiment, a test group was divided into three, with one group directed to journal gratitude, one group directed to journal the things that irritated them most during the day and one group was allowed to choose their focus. Not surprisingly, the group focusing on gratitude had a much greater sense of well-being. Statistics show that cultivating an attitude of gratitude increases overall happiness by 5%.

Dr. Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at University of California, Davis is leading a research team to quantify the causes of gratitude and its effect on health and well-being. They feel strongly that it begins with children. If we can raise grateful children, we are way ahead as a society.

Our friends at The Gem also focus on gratitude as part of their recommended daily regimen. It has a place of honor in the daily GEM journal distributed during their “Day in the Life” series. In fact, it is part of the mentality surrounding their brand. As an element of integrative nutrition and holistic living, gratitude is near and dear to the heart.

There is always something vying for our attention. The holidays bring commitments and distractions, professional to-do lists are ever-growing, our culture of connectivity brings with it no shortage of dismal world news, anxiety over the economy and political positioning, and the responsibilities of our home lives loom large. But take a moment at the end of each day and reflect on at least a couple of things to be grateful for. Some days it will pour out. Some days, you’ll be lucky to be thankful for the roof over your head. With practice, it becomes easier.

As a member of the rockin’ team on the Porch, we are actively and mindfully grateful for our wonderful clients and the chance to have an impact on their business and grow with them.

What are you grateful for?

thanks8How is Thanksgiving and the holiday season already upon us?

It’s hard not to go full speed from now until the end of the year trying to get it all done – holiday shopping, end of the year goals and quotas at work, holiday festivities, family commitments … the list goes on and on. As much as we might have going on during this hectic holiday season, Thanksgiving is a good time to stop, take a breath and reflect on the experiences and things in our lives that have brought us to this point and most importantly, to be grateful.

Oftentimes things seem harder than they are. Being grateful can help put things into perspective. Being thankful and expressing gratitude will improve your life.

Take the time to be thankful each and every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

It will make you appreciate the good things in your life and allow you to enjoy them to the fullest.

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for our team, families, friends, partners and clients who have appreciated us, pushed us to perform to new heights and have stuck with us. You are a gift to us. We are thankful and grateful for each and every one of you!

We wish you all the happiest of Thanksgivings!