Tag Archives: CEO

As the leader of your brand, it is up to you to determine the vision for your business, you are also the business leader. You are mission-control to successfully making that vision materialize. Be responsible for recognizing – and deciding how best to overcome – the barriers to your brand’s success.

One of the most powerful (and responsible) things you can do as a business leader is to get out of your own way.

business leader get out of the way

The business leader and/or business owner holds a tremendous amount of power. You can be your brand’s greatest asset and its biggest backer. Critical to your mission, however, is not to become a barrier yourself.

During a conversation with a business owner and CEO of a $50M+ company, the CEO relayed that his largest client could not implement the programs offered to them because the necessary departments were not communicating with each other.

To overcome this hurdle, the CEO stepped in to facilitate meetings and interactions between his client’s departments. However, he was not getting paid for that time and taking on that role took him away from his own responsibilities.

When asked to provide my advice to this dilemma, my answer was simple: Don’t attend the meetings. If he did not attend the meetings, others would be forced to take on rightful ownership of their responsibilities, freeing the CEO to focus on his own responsibilities.

Here are four things to consider as a business leader in order to get (or stay!) out of your own way:

  1. Build boundaries and bridges. Don’t put yourself in situations to be the point person when it is not your role. If you consistently play a role not meant for you lines become blurry and you increase your risk of burnout. You also risk not having the time and/or resources you need to be successful. Build a good team – in-house and/or through outsourcing. Then take a step back and let them fulfill their own roles.
  2. Do it, delegate it or delete it. Does your to-do list continue to have the same thing on it week after week? Yes? Figure out why. If it is something that requires YOUR attention, do it. If it needs to get done but someone can or should complete it, delegate it. Maybe circumstances make completing a task unrealistic, undesirable or unnecessary – then, delete it. Procrastination is a barrier to productivity and to creativity.
  3. Find your joy. Focus on the good contributions. Perhaps you work with a client who is abrasive. Understanding that he or she has a difficult job can help you avoid taking things personally. Look at the good things you are doing in your own role and the positive things the company is doing. If you focus only on the negative or get upset over the same things on a weekly basis, you prevent yourself from seeing the positives of your own – and others’ – contributions.
  4. Celebrate success and forget failure. Failure is a necessary part of the process. Expect it. Embrace it. Learn from it. As a leader, failure should be empowering. Don’t let it get you down. Stop and acknowledge when you overcome it.

If you can get out of your own way, you may be your brand’s greatest asset. We have built a strong team and could be a powerful ally. Give us a call.

In 2019, social media marketing is an essential tool for developing a connection with your audience. In some ways, social media marketing is similar to online dating. You are courting your audience with social media, and a connection won’t develop by being overly promotional with your posts.social media marketing

Successful social media marketing requires an investment of significant time (and resources). Your investment can pay dividends, but it requires planning. Developing strategies with clearly-identified goals and target audiences is key. But avoiding common faux pas is equally as important.

Seven of the (many!) dos and don’ts for social media marketing

  1. Be social. You have to put yourself out there, so don’t be nonexistent on social media. You can’t influence anyone if you have no profile.
  2. Be interesting. Know Your Audience. You want to pique and maintain viewers’ interest, so post varied content they will find interesting and valuable. Don’t make it all about you by only posting promotional content.
  3. Be genuine. If your brand is all about fun, your audience expects a certain playfulness to your social media. Don’t send mixed messages by being inconsistent in your marketing.
  4. Be available. Social media marketing is a 24/7 customer service opportunity, so engage often and consistently. Don’t ignore posted questions or concerns.
  5. Be a good listener. Always pay attention -and respond gratefully- to consumer feedback. Don’t ignore the negative feedback, because you can’t develop relationships by ignoring (or deleting) criticisms.
  6. Be Aware. Use hashtags and handles to attract interest, but don’t appear desperate by using too many. Keep it effective and efficient.

Be smart. Check your content for spelling, grammar and phrasing, and correct mistakes as soon as they’re caught. Don’t be insensitive in your phrasing or messaging.

We cannot say it enough – strategy is critical.

Content is key. Consistency is key.

Social media management is customer service and poor customer service will hurt your brand’s reputation.

Unlike in dating, it is a good idea to outsource social media duties. Those of us with the experience and knowledge can create and implement social media marketing strategies that follow all the rules.

Give us a call to help influence your audience to swipe right on your brand’s social media marketing!

As planning for 2019 kicks into high gear, now is a good time to take a look at what’s “en vogue” in the marketing world. Is your marketing plan ready to strike a pose?

Some things are classics, and your go-to, wear everyday piece is CONTENT. Quality, engaging content is the cornerstone of any successful marketing plan. Beyond that, the following trends are simply accessories to be mixed in when they fit a brand’s individual style. Much like the latest  fashion fads, not every trend is the right stylistic fit for every brand.

With that caveat out of the way, here are five things walking the marketing runway:

Marketing Automation

ROI has been realized in 75% of companies in just one year of marketing automation use. Companies using marketing automation have reported a substantial 34% increase to their sales revenue, regardless of company size or industry.  In addition, 91% of users say it is “very important” to their overall marketing success. It’s all the rage – which puts marketing automation at the very top of the 2019 trendsetters’ list.


Chatbots can quickly recognize and respond to data … in real time. This gives both consumers and brands a virtual assistant to do anything handling customer queries to ordering a pizza! marketing planThis saves time, money and human effort. We need look no further than the hugely popular Alexa to understand why the use of chatbots is taking over automated web communications.

Video Marketing

The growth of video will continue. Facebook Live was rolled out in April 2016, and in just two years, the average number of broadcasts doubled, earning more than 150 billion reactions. Video ads are still going strong as well. In August 2018, 65% of ad impressions on Instagram were the result of video content. If those stats aren’t enough to convince you that the video marketing craze will continue, consider this: When customers watch a video on a website, Google pushes that site up in its search results … ideal for any brand.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is on the rise over the use of banner ads, because it doesn’t disrupt the user experience. This increases consumers’ willingness to share it, which generates more sales leads.

Inbound Marketing

Because it’s simple, versatile and 61% cheaper than traditional marketing, inbound marketing remains a cost-effective method of connecting with your audience. Keeping inbound marketing hip is:

  • Blogging. Statistically, blogging is three times more effective than traditional marketing in its ability to generate sales leads. It also allows you to include a variety of content that isn’t strictly direct product advertisement.
  • Social Media. While AI and Chatbots create a life-like assistant, a strong social media presence creates an opportunity for consumers to engage with real people – making your brand appear more relatable. It also makes it quick and easy to provide exclusive offers or coupon codes to generate customers. To allow for a more seamless experience for consumers, you can also expect to see the continued integration of services into third-party apps by social media companies.
  • Email-marketing. Companies that choose e-mail marketing can double their number of generated leads over those that do not. Adding automation can then double that amount. With numbers like those, e-mail marketing continues to be the top model of effective inbound marketing.

Here on the Porch we would love to design a marketing plan for you to premiere in 2019 (perfectly coordinated to your brand’s individual style, of course).

When marketing, sales and ops work together, whether in fundraising or in the corporate world, usually there is a tale of witches, goblins, vampires and more. This year’s HOCO Mums sales at one local high school were a ghost of a different color. When marketing, sales and ops worked together, it became a success worthy of a marketing case study.

Homecoming Mums are a long-standing Texas tradition. If you are not familiar, read more here on the fall tradition and why Texans do it.

Recently one mom said that at her high school this year, mum sales were down. Not the case at this local high school. Insert the mummy marketing case study.

Historically mum sales were flat, and in fact, declined in 2016. In 2017, the Chair of the Homecoming Mum initiative was determined to buck the trend. She instituted digital operational systems for tracking inventory and orders that had never been done before. In addition, her incoming Chair, one that has a working role two years before the Chair-ship, developed a project and communications timeline. Sales that year increased by 15%.HOCO Mums Marketing

The 2018 Mum sales are tracking at an increase of 14% over previous year and still growing.

What happened differently to make this a marketing case history?

Mummy Marketing Case Study

The implemented plan integrated a sales plan, an operational plan and marketing plan.

The operations developed over the previous year were enhanced even further. There was now at least one year’s history in which to reference. Inventory could be managed tighter which lowered cost and waste.

A sales strategy developed the previous year due to unforeseen circumstances was replicated. We could tell you what it was, but then we would have to send the headless horseman after you.

The marketing strategy, plan and execution was further enhance and defined and included:

  • Signage – At the front of carpool every morning for three mornings before the sales deadline was highly visible at the school.
  • Social media – A targeted campaign was executed with professionally designed messages and graphics. Content was posted on a consistent basis with relevant messaging.
  • School communication – Blurbs in the weekly parent email communication vehicle were increased.

We are proud of this marketing case study that resulted in more dollars raised for the school’s athletic program. Want to learn more? We would love to help your non-profit organization. We are passionate about increasing fundraising efforts. Call us.



small business ownersOver the past three months, I have been honored to spend a great deal of time with a group of brilliant small business owners. These leaders’ businesses run the gamut from engineering services to inventors, executive recruiters to restaurants, and everything in between. The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program has allowed me to learn about these amazing folks, as well as from them.

During our classes and breaks, my classmates asked me some marketing questions, and I noticed that many of the inquiries were similar. So it seems natural to share these insights in a more public way, in the hopes that they will be helpful to other small business owners and leaders.

What percent of my budget should I allocate to marketing of a new product?

There is no specific formula to calculate this. We typically recommend 5% – 15% plus, depending on the category you are in, competition, customer, client, timing, etc. The world we live in is constantly changing from day to day. The global economy changes. So make sure you have done your due diligency on product, place and price in addition to promotion. It makes a difference.

How much of my time should I spend on marketing?

Dear small business owners, you know your business better than anyone. No one is more passionate or determined to make your business a success than you. There is no cookie-cutter answer to this question. What we do know is that your time is best spent on marketing strategy and not execution. Your time is your inventory. Spend it working on your business not in it. Whether it is an internal or external resource, have someone help you. Your business will thank you.

How quickly should I see results of marketing efforts?

Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a long term commitment. We tell our clients we are not successful unless we are growing your topline sales but we need time to gain real results. You need to continuously put your business or product in the right places to reach your target market over an extended period of time. Make sure you have defined your ROI reasonably and that you are tracking it on a consistent basis.

Can you guarantee me a four to one ratio topline sales return on my marketing investment? 

The answer is no. If an outside marketing partner, other than a media buying firm, is telling you otherwise, look for another partner.

I hope you found these questions and answers helpful. I could wax lyrical on branding and marketing all day long! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at julie@itsfrontporch.com or connect with me on LinkedIn. Happy marketing y’all!

topline salesIsn’t it hard to believe that Q1 is already in books? Nevertheless, the time has come to analyze topline sales for the first quarter of 2018.

Why is this analysis so important, you ask? Demonstrating the value of your marketing and sales efforts by evaluating ROI is paramount for our client partners. And for our own business as well!

Take a look at these four things If your topline sales weren’t what you anticipated:

  1. Were your marketing efforts consistent? Think consistency in creative, messaging and delivery. All are important, together with frequency, which is critical as well.
  2. Are you proactively managing and following up on your sales leads? This oversight can be accomplished in a few ways, depending on resources (time, money, people, etc.). Something as elementary as an Excel workbook can be updated daily and analyzed weekly. Some of our clients chose other management tools, such as Hubspot, Pipedrive and Zoho. Maximize technology if it makes your business (and you!) more efficient and more profitable.
  3. Are you communicating clearly with your internal audiences, and are they on board? Starting from the inside out is critical to the success of any strategy. Conviction is key. Make sure you have your internal champions. The team must understand the “why” and articulate strategy, initiatives and messages clearly. At every touch point.
  4. Are your initiatives relevant and persuasive to your target audiences? Make sure you are connecting with your prospective and current clients and customers. Create an emotional connection. Be relevant. People will be predisposed to your brand and business if they are made to feel something.

Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

If your topline sales aren’t where they need to be, then let’s take a look at the possible reasons. We are here to help.

Peace. Out. And most importantly, rock on!



As I skim materials for my upcoming Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Marketing and Sales class, my mind wanders (Hey, a squirrel! Or is it procrastination, perhaps?). I must blog. Now.sales

This post builds on my colleague Jacqui Chappell’s last blog on differentiating against competition. She is known as being the writer extraordinaire on the Porch, so I do not want to disappoint as I follow a post from her! So just read this blog for content and nuggets of marketing and sales knowledge. Puhleeeease!!

There is no one size fits all marketing and sales strategy. And this post does not suggest it, either. Period.

However, as I stare at a document asking me to define “current and aspirational competitors and their market share,” I realize Front Porch Marketing has a million and one competitors. I do not watch them daily, nor do I care if they are watching us.

I was asked recently by a client if they should list names of their clients on their website, collateral materials, etc. My answer: Heeeelllll, yes! If you are doing your job well, then no competitor can cold call your client list and take them away from you.

Doing your job well is obviously the first way to weed out your competitors.

Here are five more:

  1. Define your brand. Know your pillars.
  2. Communicate your brand consistently inside and out. If you look like every other company in your category, you are not doing this, nor is your brand defined.
  3. Look outside your industry. Take key learnings from strong or unique brands in other spaces and consider how you can use them to help your brand.
  4. Talk to your clients / customers. Ask them why they selected your company or product over others? What didn’t they get from their last partner or other product?
  5. Ask yourself if who you consider your main competition is really that. Speaking to two business owners independently recently, they named each other as direct / primary competition. The more we learned about said businesses, the more we found them to be great complements to each other’s concepts and thought of more than a dozen ways they could leverage each other to grow their businesses. (Maybe if they use our ideas, they will let us blog about them specifically in the future.)

Identifying and evaluating your competition is an important exercise, there is no doubt. But it’s a delicate balance. Knowing they are there keeps you on your toes, pushes you to do your best work, and provides occasional inspiration. But ultimately, what will differentiate you from your competitors is your brand, the work that you do, and the way that you do it.

So rock your brand, rock your work and rock your competitors! TTFN!


It’s exciting when strong business and non-profit leaders recognize they need a marketing partner to help them achieve their goals. We love partnering with these leaders on singular campaigns and initiatives that achieve immediate results.

However, these initiatives in and of themselves are not enough to sustain the brand awareness or momentum necessary to meet the larger goals.

These industry leaders often have a strategic plan in place; however, they shrug off the notion that they also need a marketing plan to complement their strategic plan.

What’s the difference?

A Strategic Plan vs. A Marketing Plan

A strategic business plan focuses on the staff, financials and operations of the overall business or non-profit organization. It is operationally-based, and outlines goals for the year. Therefore, the plan helps develop competitive strategies for the business or non-profit organization.

A marketing plan complements the business plan. It details key messages, marketing goals, industry research, competition, target markets, price points, strategies and key tactics. The tactics may include advertising, content marketing, SEO and referral programs. We also consider networking initiatives, social media, website enhancement, direct mail, email marketing and more.

The plans work in conjunction and complement one another. I could drone on for hours about this. Each is essential to a successful business or non-profit — you need both.

A successful marketing plan will build your business, develop your network, create a buzz and pay out. Hence it conveys:

  • who you are
  • what you are interested in
  • that you have an established brand and product suite they must have and will tell all their connections about

Front Porch Marketing will develop a marketing plan that includes an audit of existing marketing efforts and materials and provides specific, recommended marketing tactics and strategies. Our team is driven to define targeted strategies to targeted customers.

We love to be a part of great teams and learn from great leaders. So holler if we can help you!


Hey, business owners, have you ever thought about what the “American Dream” is? Have you ever thought about what it means to you?
future business owners
Over the weekend, I was honored that my son selected me to interview for an English essay about the American Dream. I am certain that it had absolutely nothing to do with proximity, nor did it matter that I respond very nearly to his beck and call (I know that it comes as a shock to many who know me that I can be a beck and call girl, but I digress).

The interview humbled me, and I found it to be a very thought-provoking exercise. The questions he posed to me:

  1. In your own words, what is the American Dream? What does it mean to you?
  2. Do you see the American Dream in your own life? Has it motivated you, influenced your decisions?
  3. Over the course of your life, have your own dreams changed? In what ways?
  4. How would you define a “successful” life? What’s most important?
  5. Which generation – yours or your parents’ – has had a better life?

My answers were as follows:

  1. The American Dream is the right to freedom, choice, justice and prosperity. For me, the American Dream means living in a place where we are free and are treated fairly. It also means the right to have multiple, differing opinions; and those opinions are respected and acknowledged, and actually make us better and stronger as a nation. Having the opportunity to prosper and start my own business are also part of what the American Dream means to me.
  2. I see the American Dream in my life every single day. I am married to the man I chose to be married to and have two healthy, happy, wonderful children who attend schools we selected for them. We practice the faith of our choice. I started and have owned Front Porch Marketing, my business, for almost seven years, which not only helps my family financially prosper, but also helps those that work with me contribute financially to their households. I am also extremely lucky to partner with clients that work for start-ups, small to mid-size businesses, organizations and franchisees who themselves are living the American Dream. Daily, I am inspired by my family, team and clients. Because I am mindful of the fact that in other countries, many people, especially women, are not allowed the opportunities I am, I honestly count my blessings every day.
  3. Some of my dreams have not changed, like having a family, giving back to our communities, and being successful professionally. Over the course of my life, others dreams have changed. I dreamed of owning the first company in which I worked. That didn’t happen, because I was hired away from that marketing company by a client that I managed. My dream then became to climb the corporate ladder and become the Vice President of Marketing for that company. Ticked that box. Then, I pivoted and started Front Porch Marketing. And it has been the absolute best part of my professional journey to date.
  4. A successful life to me is being happy, healthy, kind, empathetic, resilent and respectful; having a strong sense of self; raising responsible, happy, kind, humble, respectful, empathetic, resilent children; giving back to others in need, and providing for the needs of my family.
  5. I really don’t think it is up to me to judge if my generation or my parents’ generation had a better life, because it’s like comparing apples to oranges. And, because our world since 9/11 changes at light speed, in addition to constant emerging technologies today, our generation is more complicated; but I think one could make an argument for either

So why did I ask business owners to answer these five questions?

A perspective check-in is always a good thing, and I hope this exercise inspires you as much as it inspired me. Be well, friends; and keep livin’ the dream.

P.S. We can help you keep livin’ the dream by growing your topline through strategic branding and marketing, so call, email or text us today!

Research, branding and reboots … The latest version of our own Pick Six (for six glorious years in front porch marketing researchbusiness, natch …) finds us walking our own proverbial yellow brick road in search of marketing nirvana.

We always say (but it bears repeating), marketing is more art than science. Finding the perfect mix of marketing strategy and tactics that will deliver the biggest impact for clients is never a one size fits all exercise – it’s a bit of a journey! And we have to admit … we absolutely love the journey.

Research, branding and reboots, oh my!

Enjoy these exciting and fulfilling stops along the way:

  1. Research and Branding – The research and brand architecture exercise that we are undergoing with Mister Sweeper gives us serious back to basics euphoria! We live for this stuff, friends.
  2. Newsletter Refresh and Reboot – We love giving a long-standing client a refresh, and the end result is fantastic! Check out the latest Corps Team Client newsletter. Phenomenal!
  3. Blogging – We can’t say enough about blogging and the importance of it in your content strategy. Blogs we love include, but aren’t limited to, The GEM, TodoModo Group, PeopleResults and Feizy.
  4. Learning – The Chief Rocker’s association with Vistage continues to be an invaluable one. Lots of great ideas were shared recently by Communications Specialist Michael Allosso, who was the guest speaker at a business owner’s event.
  5. Team Straight Talk – Even when our Rockers aren’t delivering the skinny ON the Porch, they are telling it like it is OFF the Porch. Check out Tara (aka The Rock) in The Dallas Morning News.
  6. New Connections – We love that our clients and friends spread the word on our behalf! Meeting with new people and prospects to see if we can help is always a charge.

Thanks for walking our yellow brick road with us, friends! We continue to be thankful for each and every one of you.

Join us elsewhere if you want jams: TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn!