Tag Archives: business plan

marketing plan

How is your 2020 marketing plan holding up?

If you’re like a lot of businesses this year, you threw out your 2020 marketing plan and have been in triage mode for six months. Q4 is the perfect time to re-evaluate your company’s marketing plan to include a good marketing planning outline and process, messaging, strategies and brand.

This year’s best laid marketing plans were most likely laid to waste in the second quarter. It’s now Q4 of a very weird year – speaking from, well, every point of view – and everyone is working under the guise of not knowing what is coming next or when. Some businesses are continuing to just execute 2020 marketing strategies with messaging that is not currently relevant to growing their top line or their bottom line. Stop reacting and get proactive with your brand.

Typically, clients reflect and plan ahead this time of year, and this Q4 should be no exception.

In fact, we recommend doubling down on the planning. This year though, planning may look a lot like pivoting for most businesses. There is very little business-as-usual going on, and your company’s business plan should reflect that fact.

We are working with clients that are facing different year end results – from more than 75% decline in sales, to flat, to having the best year ever. We have clients who’s marketing plan has them pivoting completely and launching new brands, born of the new normal or a long-held dream. But the one thing all of our clients have in common right now is that they are planning in order to be able to continue to pivot if need be. They are ensuring that their future strategies will be on-brand even if the content has to change.

Now is the perfect time to step back from your business plan and take an objective perspective on your company’s state of affairs.

Is your brand’s marketing plan going in the right direction? Do you need a more focused or broader message? Are your communication strategies getting you in front of the right customers on the right social media channel? Is your brand voice in tune with the state of the world? Know who you are, what you stand for and how to communicate that mission to your customers. What is your highest and best use? When you have a plan, this is how you can frame all of your future content – even if it keeps changing.

Plan ahead to pivot.

Planning a marketing infrastructure to put in place now and building on it through Q1 and Q2 of next year can help pivot your brand toward a new goal, refine your mission and elevate your relevancy. Have a plan in place to be able to address the unknown needs of your customers as they arise in 2021. You don’t necessarily need the answers now, but you need to have a plan to be able to answer the questions your customers will have. Your marketing plan for next year should include key messages, strategies, a budget, timeline and content calendar through Q2 of 2021 to carry your company into Q3. Spend your marketing time wisely this quarter to build the brand you’ve always wanted to become next quarter and beyond.

A popular phrase in the marketing world states, “always be one step ahead of your competition.” But, how do you accomplish that? Develop a competitive analysis.

Why are your competitors outranking you? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their marketing strategies? All of these questions are answered through a competitor analysis.

What is a competitive analysis?

A competitive analysis identifies and evaluates your competitors in comparison to your business. More specifically, your analysis should include the following:

  • Identifying your competitors and highlighting those that pose the biggest challenge
  • Researching information about your competitors
    • i.e. pricing, financials, marketing campaigns and social media, company history, their marketed demographic, and locations they cover
  • Evaluating their strategies
    • Determine their strengths and weaknesses to your brand’s

Why do competitive analysis?

Competitive research is crucial to your success as a business because it helps you create better marketing strategies. Moreover, it allows you to make educated decisions about your strategy and guarantees you can create competitive advantages. A competitive analysis gives you the ability to quickly identify industry trends and adapt to other marketing campaigns. As a result, all of these enable you to stay ahead of your competitors.


It cannot be a one-time thing. In short, frequently completing a competitor analysis gives your business the advantage to outsmart the competition. 

All year we’ve been talking Pick Six to celebrate six years of Rockin’ the Front Porch! So, for our sixth and final newsletter of 2017 we have Six Things You Must Do Before 2018 – and each of them should only take you about six minutes. pick six

Friends, can you spare 36 minutes to finish the year strong?

Pick Six

1. WRITE a quick thank you message to a special client that made a difference for you in 2017. Here’s ours:

Thank you, Faith Family Academy, for trusting us to solidify your brand and your messaging and lead you in spreading the word about your fantastic school! You inspire us daily and we love being your marketing partner.

2. SCHEDULE a breakfast or lunch with someone you consider to be an important counselor or mentor. Pick up the phone and call that person right now!

Patti Johnson, be expecting my call!

3. DOWNLOAD an app that enriches your personal or professional life. We love the concept of beginning the year with meditation as a means for focus.

Headspace is our meditation app of choice. Their tagline, “A few minutes could change your whole day” sums it all up!

4. FOLLOW a new social media site to learn something new. Resolve to use your time wisely in 2018! Here is a marketing expert we love to follow on twitter:

We love Robert Caruso’s twitter @fondalo – he is the real deal!

5. DONATE online to a worthy charity with a quick visit to their website and a final tax-deduction for you in 2017.

Catch Up & Read is a great choice in the Dallas community!

6. CALL a small business. Enlist their help in refreshing that website, learning about SEO, writing a blog, or updating your social media … and we just happen to know a really great choice for this!

Front Porch Marketing can help!

Write. Schedule. Download. Follow. Donate. Call.

Pick six.

Rock your holiday, friends! We’ll be back in January with seven ways to seriously improve your online presence in 2018.

It’s exciting when strong business and non-profit leaders recognize they need a marketing partner to help them achieve their goals. We love partnering with these leaders on singular campaigns and initiatives that achieve immediate results.

However, these initiatives in and of themselves are not enough to sustain the brand awareness or momentum necessary to meet the larger goals.

These industry leaders often have a strategic plan in place; however, they shrug off the notion that they also need a marketing plan to complement their strategic plan.

What’s the difference?

A Strategic Plan vs. A Marketing Plan

A strategic business plan focuses on the staff, financials and operations of the overall business or non-profit organization. It is operationally-based, and outlines goals for the year. Therefore, the plan helps develop competitive strategies for the business or non-profit organization.

A marketing plan complements the business plan. It details key messages, marketing goals, industry research, competition, target markets, price points, strategies and key tactics. The tactics may include advertising, content marketing, SEO and referral programs. We also consider networking initiatives, social media, website enhancement, direct mail, email marketing and more.

The plans work in conjunction and complement one another. I could drone on for hours about this. Each is essential to a successful business or non-profit — you need both.

A successful marketing plan will build your business, develop your network, create a buzz and pay out. Hence it conveys:

  • who you are
  • what you are interested in
  • that you have an established brand and product suite they must have and will tell all their connections about

Front Porch Marketing will develop a marketing plan that includes an audit of existing marketing efforts and materials and provides specific, recommended marketing tactics and strategies. Our team is driven to define targeted strategies to targeted customers.

We love to be a part of great teams and learn from great leaders. So holler if we can help you!