Tag Archives: change management

Life is full of transition. Some are big – a new job, a move to a new city, the birth of a child (or when a child leaves home), the loss of someone close to us. Others are smaller – the beginning of a new project, the transition from the school year to summer, a change of activities that brings new people into our lives or makes it harder to see others.

Our professional and personal lives are always shifting – new opportunities present themselves, things that no longer serve us fall away. Change is what drives growth. It’s healthy. It’s positive.

Our rational selves recognize these things as consummate truths. But sometimes our emotional selves don’t get the memo. Transition can be unsettling and confusing – oftentimes excitement about what lies ahead gets mixed up with melancholy over what has been left behind. When change stirs things up, it’s important to properly honor both sides of the transitory coin.

Sometimes what is needed in these moments is not action, but inaction. Stillness. Reflection.

I was talking to a friend recently about this very thing. I was blathering on about all the things I was going to do now that a big time commitment was wrapping up. Instead of humoring me, he called me out on my steamrolling. He said, “Doll. Settle down. Take this time to recalibrate and evolve. Just do you for a bit.”

images-20Of course, he is right. Transition, whether big or small, presents a tremendous opportunity to make things better. Make you better. But it must be approached thoughtfully and respectfully; because that’s when the magic happens.

In the words of India.Arie:

Just do you
Somebody’s got to be a star
Just do you
Somebody’s got to raise the bar
Just do you
Somebody’s got to change the game
Just do you

So the next time you find yourself in the whirlwind of change, take a deep breath, relax, and Just Do You.

So, it’s February. Perhaps you are finding it hard to stay committed to your New Years resolutions. Or your year-end business goals are proving harder to accomplish than you anticipated. Or you have put off making that change in your personal life that you know you have to make. Let’s face it, change is hard. 

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” Arnold Bennett

The process of change can cause disruption in your life. This disruption can hit close to home and play with your emotions, bringing about feelings of doubt, uncertainty, and lack of control. It’s natural to want to maintain the status quo, it feels safer. But is it better? 

images-2It is often said that change is the only constant in life. Yet we are evolutionarily predisposed to resist change because of the risk associated with it. Leadership today is all about managing disruption, and disruption is an hourly occurrence. Organizations and people that don’t embrace change are bound to lose ground and stagnate. Change is natural. Embrace it. Welcome it as an opportunity.

“Change is hard because people over-estimate the value of what they have – and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.” James Belasco and Ralph Staye

Whether you are undergoing change in the workplace or in your personal life, there are a few constants to bear in mind as you transition:

      • Nothing happens without a readiness to change. You and everyone around you must buy in to the change and the reasons for walking the path.
      • A support infrastructure is integral. Peer support and pressure drive change, and the emotional and logistical support will keep you afloat.
      • Replace old habits with new ones. Replace negative situations with positive ones.
      • Continuous introspection is key. Are you on the right path? Change is fluid, be willing to adjust.
      • The goal is progress, not perfection. Overcome any setbacks you encounter and re-focus.

“Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” Jim Rohm




IMG_4070I admit it. I’m a bit of a black and white person. Figure it out, do what’s best, and move forward. “Moving on!” is a familiar refrain in my world.

So when we, as a family, decided it was time to sell our house and find a new one, I clipped along and got it done. Old house sold. New house bought. Packing. Moving. Planning.

Moving. On.

But what I didn’t count on in all my efficient trouncing forward was the emotional toll it would take on everyone around me. My children cried. A lot. My sweet, easy-going husband was wound tight as a drum and stomped around for several weeks. Even my animals became not themselves.

What was wrong? Didn’t we all want this? Weren’t we all excited about the moving on?

If I’d taken my moving on hat off for five minutes to really think about things, I would have realized that efficiency cannot take the place of closure. Recognizing the emotions associated with change, regardless of how positive the change is, is an important part of moving on. Perhaps the most important part.

What is true in life is also true in business. You must properly handle the endings to fully succeed in your beginnings. Clients. Employees. Jobs.

Pay proper attention to the things you are letting go.

Be gracious in your goodbyes.

I love what Ellen Goodman said on the matter, “There’s a trick to the ‘graceful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.”

Essential for moving on.

gallery-thumbnailsAfter the long, cold winter, the arrival of spring is a welcome influx of new growth and new beginnings. Spring flowers, Easter and Passover celebrations and the kickoff of baseball season brings us happiness and warmth. We embrace this change.

Change is good.

In business and in life, the one thing we can be certain of is that change is around the corner.

Change is necessary. And change is rarely smooth.

Change can often be tumultuous – just google spring weather and take a look at the storms created by the replacement of cold air with warmth. But then think about the spectacular aftermath … after the spring storms depart, we are left with a rewarding burst of color.

Anything worth doing well comes at a price. Successful disruptors are revered, and for good reason. To have the vision for necessary change and the courage to enact the plan is not for the faint of heart. Patti Johnson notes in her book, Make Waves, “Even though each change is different, there are common patterns, habits and strategies that fuel those who start grassroots changes”

In order to grow, evolve and meet today’s rapid pace of change. It is vital that you and your organization are ready to meet the needs of the process of change and the new environment created:

  • Have a vision.
  • Have a strategy (identify the end goal and plan how to get there).
  • Make sure the vision and plan are clearly communicated.
  • Be prepared. You need the right team of like-mind folks.

Remember change is good, necessary and it is rarely smooth. As you begin to implement changes, be watchful of results and ready to adapt. Communicate those changes along the way. You will find the results well worth the pain and effort of getting there.

Make Waves … I remember the email that started it all, seems like only yesterday …Wave Maker Julie Porter

Patti Johnson, CEO and founder of PeopleResults, sent it a few short years ago.

She hired a company to assist her in redesigning and updating her company’s website and received round three or four of creative. She forwarded the concepts to me to get my opinion and eventually partnered with Front Porch Marketing to manage the project.

First step, we had several brand strategy meetings to outline the PeopleResults brand architecture.

Next step, we used the brand strategies to drive the website creative.

Along that journey, we recommended:

  • Adding a blog to the site ~ you can subscribe to it here. It ROCKS!
  • Then, defining the social media strategy for the brand and the individual partners
  • Conducting team and individual social media training
  • Creating a social media content calendar and blog schedule
  • Developing a team marketing bar where team members could present their individual marketing ideas and several other initiatives, but trying to keep this brief


And, the rest is history.

We initiated change with smart, concise thinking tailored for key personalities at PeopleResults: the PeopleResults Partners. From there, the strategies were clear, and together we built fresh path forward for the leadership team and brand.

Patti recently credited me for starting her journey that resulted in, “Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.” For that, I am very honored and humbled. It was a team effort though. Without her courageous leadership, a trusted, two-way partnership and the willingness of the leadership team, it wouldn’t have happened.

The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indie Bound and Walmart.

Wave Maker out!