Tag Archives: #MakeWaves

Make Waves … I remember the email that started it all, seems like only yesterday …Wave Maker Julie Porter

Patti Johnson, CEO and founder of PeopleResults, sent it a few short years ago.

She hired a company to assist her in redesigning and updating her company’s website and received round three or four of creative. She forwarded the concepts to me to get my opinion and eventually partnered with Front Porch Marketing to manage the project.

First step, we had several brand strategy meetings to outline the PeopleResults brand architecture.

Next step, we used the brand strategies to drive the website creative.

Along that journey, we recommended:

  • Adding a blog to the site ~ you can subscribe to it here. It ROCKS!
  • Then, defining the social media strategy for the brand and the individual partners
  • Conducting team and individual social media training
  • Creating a social media content calendar and blog schedule
  • Developing a team marketing bar where team members could present their individual marketing ideas and several other initiatives, but trying to keep this brief


And, the rest is history.

We initiated change with smart, concise thinking tailored for key personalities at PeopleResults: the PeopleResults Partners. From there, the strategies were clear, and together we built fresh path forward for the leadership team and brand.

Patti recently credited me for starting her journey that resulted in, “Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.” For that, I am very honored and humbled. It was a team effort though. Without her courageous leadership, a trusted, two-way partnership and the willingness of the leadership team, it wouldn’t have happened.

The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indie Bound and Walmart.

Wave Maker out!