Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

A week ago, my Christmas tree inexplicably came crashing to the ground, and with it, 16 years of family ornaments, a new one chosen every year by each of the five members of my family, came crashing down with it. Keepsakes shattered. Memories lost. It was heartbreaking.

But after the glass was swept away, the tree re-decorated, and my attitude re-adjusted, the loss reminded me of some very important things that I sometimes lose sight of in the holiday hustle and bustle:

1. Memories Have a Shelf Life – Strive to Make New Ones. I was surprised to learn that my kids couldn’t remember who chose many of the ornaments and why. Things that are meaningful at one point in time may fade, so embrace change and allow yourself to make new memories.

peace-ornament-17242185-22. Nothing Is Perfect – Let Go of That Notion. Your holiday is not a magazine spread! Let go of the idea of perfectionism – it’s unattainable. And unimportant.

3. Open Your Eyes! The holidays are happening all around you, don’t spend your time frantically running around. Whittle your to-do list down to only what is truly necessary. Slow down. Say no to things that aren’t important. Open your eyes and enjoy.

4. Be Thoughtful. And Grateful. And full of thanks for everything and everyone around you that enriches your life. This is the time of year to recognize those people and tell them how important they are to you. Do it! It feels great.

5. Don’t Forget – You Need Time for Yourself. Togetherness is wonderful and celebrations are fun; but taking time for yourself ensures that you will remain centered and better able to create a peaceful holiday.

This season, remember what’s important, and ENJOY. Happy holidays, everyone!

IMG_4070I admit it. I’m a bit of a black and white person. Figure it out, do what’s best, and move forward. “Moving on!” is a familiar refrain in my world.

So when we, as a family, decided it was time to sell our house and find a new one, I clipped along and got it done. Old house sold. New house bought. Packing. Moving. Planning.

Moving. On.

But what I didn’t count on in all my efficient trouncing forward was the emotional toll it would take on everyone around me. My children cried. A lot. My sweet, easy-going husband was wound tight as a drum and stomped around for several weeks. Even my animals became not themselves.

What was wrong? Didn’t we all want this? Weren’t we all excited about the moving on?

If I’d taken my moving on hat off for five minutes to really think about things, I would have realized that efficiency cannot take the place of closure. Recognizing the emotions associated with change, regardless of how positive the change is, is an important part of moving on. Perhaps the most important part.

What is true in life is also true in business. You must properly handle the endings to fully succeed in your beginnings. Clients. Employees. Jobs.

Pay proper attention to the things you are letting go.

Be gracious in your goodbyes.

I love what Ellen Goodman said on the matter, “There’s a trick to the ‘graceful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.”

Essential for moving on.

It was my intention to write a prophetic post this week about the Texas bag law and the impact on Texans, small business and the progress on our slow road to being a sustainable nation. Small Business Owners Daily Survival Guide

And, then, duh dun dah … Mr. Flu A happened in the middle of the night and Ms. Worst Diaper Rash in the history of ever (ITHOE) caused baby to scream, “Mommmmiieeeeee,” every time she is changed during the day which is every 20 minutes due to the severity of her raw booty’s condition.

Folks, mama needed to work ~ lots of deadlines and things to be done.

Small business owners can’t just go a hundred miles an hour the day after a sleepless night. They can’t drop everything to take their child to an early morning, unscheduled pediatrician’s appointment. They can’t run and cuddle their wailing baby at the drop of a hat in the middle of a work day … Or can they??

Friends, they can.

There are four must haves for every small business owner in case life takes an unexpected turn on an action-packed work day:

  1. Highly, functioning virtual work space – Have the bunker ready at all times. High speed Internet, phone charger and all necessary supplies you use on a daily basis at the office. Thankfully I have a high quality color laser printer wired and ready in the home office and a pack of the 32 pound paper on hand at all times. We were able to complete the brand book we are presenting to a client today.   
  2. The village – I mention it frequently. It takes a spouse that can stay home from work for a few hours with the sleeping baby while mama goes to the early morning doctor’s appointment with the other baby. It is extremely helpful if the spouse’s employer believes in their employees putting their families first in times of need. It also takes a doting daytime care giver to be there when mom can’t to console the aching baby.
  3. Attitude of gratitude – It is easy to go down a dark hole and focus on all the things negative happening in your world. Instead, focus on the positive. Be grateful for all that is right. There are a million and one books, articles and studies showing that professionals with a positive attitude are more productive and successful. Put on your rose-colored rock star glasses and leave the tissue with lotion for the sickees.
  4. And, last but not least, a dependable and adaptable team When the work needs to be done – the client’s blog sm’ed by 8:30 a.m., the enewsletter draft to the client by noon, the conference call rescheduled, etc. – the work needs to be done. Make sure your team is as adaptable and reliable as you are and willing to step in and step up in a pinch.

Check, check, check and check! The kiddos are on the mend, deadlines were met, work got done and there is a new episode of American Idol on the DVR calling my name. Ciao for now!

My 13-year-old daughter is my hero.

IMG_2536At a time in her life when conformance equals survival and fitting in is everything (yes, we are talking about the angst of middle school), she has steadfastly, unapologetically and intentionally made choices that are true to her character, her spirit and her style.

In a sea full of long-haired girls, she chopped hers off and donated it to Locks of Love. When the group texts become more mean-spirited than meaningful, she turns her phone off and sits at the piano to play and sing. And although “being cool” is the going currency, she hangs onto her goofy, silly side. She tells me all the time, “I’m just doing me, Mom.”

She is her authentic self.

I admire this about her tremendously, and the truth is that it has inspired me to be more authentic myself. To:

  • Make choices that make sense for me and my family.
  • Spend my time doing what I want and not what I “should.”
  • Care less what others’ perceptions are.
  • Say no.
  • Remember myself in the equation.

It’s freeing. I highly recommend it.

This way of being also translates to the business world, which has been a resounding theme in my short time working with the goddesses at Front Porch Marketing. I have realized just how important authenticity is for your business, particularly a small business. Can you answer the following:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What are you doing that makes you unique?
  3. What is your brand?
  4. How are you representing yourself?
  5. Are you engaging in authentic online engagement?

It is imperative that you can answer these questions with clarity and that your brand is clear in everything you say and do. We on the Porch are passionate about helping you express your authentic self. It’s our mission!

Indeed, we want you to “just do you.”


Last week’s game in which the St. Louis Rams special teams faked the punt against the Seattle Seahawks to help win the game, highlights the strategic importance of specialization, and believe it or not this type of strategy can be applied to teams in the workplace.

Special teams are some of the most overlooked in football. They can however, make the difference in controlling the game. Their moving the advantage up and down the field can lead to the big win. They are specialized and trained in their purpose. Whether punting the ball deep, keeping the opponent in a poor field position or making those final, last second field goals – they do something that the rest of the team cannot.

What makes special teams special? Practice, training, more practice, more training.

In this age of Do it Yourself (DYI), technology provides instruction on pretty much anything. Google has become the “go to” for immediate answers on how to accomplish an unknown task. No longer do we have to slog through piles of research. We can learn anything from how to reupholster a chair, how to tweet or learn how to sharpen our Excel skills. It’s great to be able to have access to this wealth of knowledge. But it does not guarantee the level of proficiency that only time, focus and mentoring can provide.

In order to create a winning strategy, become a leader and grow your small business, remember you can’t be all things to all people. It is critical to know when to call in the special teams.

You may only call on your experts for such specialized projects such as branding and marketing strategy and execution or human resources. As your business grows and time becomes more precious, you may use those special teams on a more permanent outsourcing basis to keep your eye on growth and innovation.

Whatever the case, when you need a game changer, call in special teams.


What does it mean to be an entrepreneur? These eight innocent words are like loaded dice.

The word entrepreneur immediately brings to mind some obvious choices: Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Melinda Gates has also earned her own place at the table with her philanthropic and global development efforts via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

These folks are true forces of nature.

What landed them in this spot?

Talk to any successful entrepreneur and you will notice familiar traits. Entrepreneurs are driven by passion, not money. According to Tony Hsieh, founder and CEO of Zappos, “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will follow you.”

There is a myriad of research, articles and opinions citing successful traits of an entrepreneur. Most are variations of the same them:

  • Passion
  • Imagination
  • Vision
  • Tenacity
  • Self Confidence
  • Resilience

All packed with determination, perseverance and huge dollop of grit.

Lest you think it a glamorous endeavor, being an entrepreneur also means late nights, early mornings and everything in between. But the rewards of watching your vision come to life and grow supercede all else.

According to Eric T Wagner to be a successful entrepreneur is to, “Think Big and be Bold.” We would tend to agree.

Do you have what it takes?