Tag Archives: Engagement

With the ever-growing presence of technology in our world, social media is something that should not be overlooked. It should actually be at the forefront of your business, giving people an idea of what you are all about and hopefully prompting them to become customers! Whether you are skeptical about the use of socials to generate business or have an active presence on all platforms, there is something to be learned for everyone! Here are some ways you can boost your business on social media:

Engage in Comments Timely

Simply put, you want engagement! Facebook and Instagram use this as a primary factor when determining what to display. Posts that have more comments are displayed more prominently within feeds and pages.  Also note that the faster you respond, the more likely others will too, which can spark a conversation and increase engagement. Some companies employ a social media monitor whose primary focus is to react timely to comments.

Measure On-Platform and On-Site Success

Google Analytics is an excellent tool to see if your social media strategy is measuring up. It tracks follower growth, engagement, distribution, and on-site performance. Analytics also measures on-site behavior, so you can see the average time a user spends on your website.

Improve Search Engine Ranking

Good news- social media can improve your search engine ranking! When your social media share rate increases, your domain authority increases! This leads to an improved search engine ranking. Hence, more visits to your socials will also increase your social media page ranking, improving your chances of being one of the top ranked pages.

Drive Traffic

Relying on only your network to drive traffic is completely nonsensical! Social media expands your brand reach and generates traffic organically. If you don’t have a profile yet, create one and use it to share customized content. You want to make sure your audience can seamlessly share your content!


Using social media to boost your business is as important, if not more important, than other business-boosting tasks. Front Porch has provided these tips as a way for you to dive deeper into your social strategy. We want to see you succeed with your socials!

Dr. Stephen Covey taught us to, “Diagnose before you prescribe,” which is a simplified reason why you need internal research for your business. Also, the adage, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

The internal research process in a branding or re-branding effort gives an honest evaluation via an outside, unbiased third party of your strengths and weaknesses so you can dig into your brand’s core.

After all, the worst thing you can do for your brand is to market a promise that can’t be delivered.

Is there another way for you to know that your brand strategy, promise, positioning and message are going to be on target?

Internal Research On Target

Internal research allows us the ability to monitor quantitative and qualitative results and provides a foundation for our decisions. It removes personal bias and places the focus on tangible data.

The internal research process also builds internal alignment and engagement. Folks take ownership of your brand’s progression. Your team becomes brand champions.

Here’s a glimpse into questions we ask during internal research:

  1. Tell me about yourself and your specific role within the company?
  2. How long have you been with INSERT BRAND?
  3. What do you believe current customers/clients think of INSERT BRAND?
  4. What does INSERT BRAND do for customers/clients that others do not?

Not rocket surgery or brain science? Now, why would we put that bit on our blog and share on social media?

We on the Porch know a thing or two about internal research. Our seasoned, experienced team has been in-house as corporate, regional and field marketing as well as been in leadership positions at global and local agencies.

Think of us as your marketing department. We can help with branding. Our team can develop marketing strategies and plans. Our experts also execute on an on-going or project basis – website updates, identity refreshes, collateral development, advertising campaigns, event and trade show management and execution, email marketing, social media and so on and so on.

“Cuz you know what they say:” Here in the South, we don’t hide crazy. We parade it around the front porch and give it a cocktail.

Stinky Pepper Boy.

Not a very nice name to be called in third grade.

On the first day of school my oldest came home and said he was done with peppers. No big deal … until I found out why.  He was being teased about his lunch. Why would kids pick on another kid about his food? Well first and foremost they are kids, but secondly, like all consumers big or small, we fear and sometimes even mock the unknown.

After a couple of days, I proposed the sweet pepper ‘marketing 101 campaign’ to my son, and he was all in! “Mom, once they try them, they will love them!” Game on!

Our Marketing 101 Campaign consisted of Four Proven Marketing Tactics:
2. Engagement
3. CTA – Call to Action
4. Trial

Awareness: A platter of peppers was brought to the lunch room and a short introduction that included the health benefits, what they tasted like, the different colors/options was given. All the benefits can be found here. The kids had the knowledge (awareness) that peppers promoted healthy skin, hair, vision and immune system.

Engagement: The kids were interested … some had tried the peppers, some never had because they thought the peppers were spicy, but when they heard the name ‘sweet mini peppers’ they were engaged. Everybody likes something sweet.

CTA: This year our school started composting. Four days into the year some had not visited the compost bin, which was a coveted trip AND the CTA! The stem was compost worthy and earned a trip for all that tried.

Trial: The lure of the compost trip gave us what we needed. They. All. Tried. A. Pepper. Trial was the key to winning them over.

Of course, not all the little consumers were converted – there were a handful of pepper holdouts. But many really liked them, resulting in requests for seconds!  To my son’s joy they started chanting … Pep-pers … Pep-pers … Pep-pers. 

Everyone sells, in one way or another. As parents, we sell our children on our belief systems, values, and desired behavior. As business owners, we sell our products and services. Following a few proven marketing tactics can convert even the most discriminating customer.

And what of our Stinky Pepper Boy? After our successful venture, as I was walking out the door, my son ran across room, threw his arms around me and whispered “thank you.” And he has been packing peppers for lunch ever since.