Tag Archives: brand message

Princess Rock Brianna Slay steps onto the porch to share her ideas on marketing, Porch culture, and a fun fact!

The biggest misconception about marketing today?

It is easy to market.

Best advice to give someone struggling with brand identity creation?

Keep it simple. (KISS) baby steps.

One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

With my new experience as an intern along with being a student, I’ve learned to always be prepared, involved, and aware.

What is good marketing?

Good marketing is a message that’s clear and concise.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

I would travel to Ireland to visit my cultural roots and enjoy the green scenery!

If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

I would love to have dinner with Jesus because he could answer life’s biggest questions, as well as making the food delicious!

If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Observant, Trustworthy, Collaborative.

What is your favorite thing about FPM?

I love FPM’s fast-paced workability. The FPM Team can take a client’s vision and quickly make it a reality.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

A major milestone in my life was traveling internationally for the first time. It was the summer into my sophomore year, and I stayed with a host family for three weeks. I learned how to communicate with others who don’t speak my native language.

How would you describe the culture at FPM?

FPM’s culture is very optimistic, and they keep an open mindset when working with clients. They are always positive when talking to clients about updates. The team is enthusiastic in their manner, and they give solid opinions that are backed with facts. They never make their clients feel pressured.

Fun Fact?

I’m going to Southern Methodist University in the fall. Go ponies!

Thanks for tuning in to another Rocker Spotlight featuring Princess Rock Brianna Slay!

Dr. Stephen Covey taught us to, “Diagnose before you prescribe,” which is a simplified reason why you need internal research for your business. Also, the adage, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

The internal research process in a branding or re-branding effort gives an honest evaluation via an outside, unbiased third party of your strengths and weaknesses so you can dig into your brand’s core.

After all, the worst thing you can do for your brand is to market a promise that can’t be delivered.

Is there another way for you to know that your brand strategy, promise, positioning and message are going to be on target?

Internal Research On Target

Internal research allows us the ability to monitor quantitative and qualitative results and provides a foundation for our decisions. It removes personal bias and places the focus on tangible data.

The internal research process also builds internal alignment and engagement. Folks take ownership of your brand’s progression. Your team becomes brand champions.

Here’s a glimpse into questions we ask during internal research:

  1. Tell me about yourself and your specific role within the company?
  2. How long have you been with INSERT BRAND?
  3. What do you believe current customers/clients think of INSERT BRAND?
  4. What does INSERT BRAND do for customers/clients that others do not?

Not rocket surgery or brain science? Now, why would we put that bit on our blog and share on social media?

We on the Porch know a thing or two about internal research. Our seasoned, experienced team has been in-house as corporate, regional and field marketing as well as been in leadership positions at global and local agencies.

Think of us as your marketing department. We can help with branding. Our team can develop marketing strategies and plans. Our experts also execute on an on-going or project basis – website updates, identity refreshes, collateral development, advertising campaigns, event and trade show management and execution, email marketing, social media and so on and so on.

“Cuz you know what they say:” Here in the South, we don’t hide crazy. We parade it around the front porch and give it a cocktail.