Tag Archives: content marketing

Blogs. Social media. Video. White papers. Infographics. All these things, and more, are content and can be used in content marketing. But what is the point of generating all this content?

The point is this: in an increasingly fractured media landscape, building an audience and a community around your company is one of the few ways to directly reach consumers. By giving them something of value, they will give you some of their attention.

Content marketing is about building trust. If consumers trust your company, they will be more likely to buy from your company.

Today’s consumer is used to doing their own research before they buy. According to a 2016 Demand Gen Report, 47% of buyers view 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. Wouldn’t you rather have one of those pieces of content be from you?

The Marketing Funnel is Changing Shape

The marketing funnel isn’t so much a funnel anymore as a flywheel. This Forbes article excerpt explains it best:

A change in mindset and a library of high-quality content will replace this traditional funnel with something more sustainable (and effective). The funnel is becoming more of an ongoing cycle that prioritizes continuous engagement over transactional relationships. This increased focus on nurturing, especially post-sale, makes customers more likely to stay with you or buy again — and more likely to give recommendations to friends and colleagues.

With content, you can transition your brand from vendor to partner. To be honest, someone else in your space can almost always come in and undercut you on price. But when you continuously engage your clients, build lasting trust, and form genuine partnerships, you’ll have much greater staying power.

The Oldest Content Marketer on the Block

Content marketing has been around for as long as there has been, well, content. One of the earliest, and in my opinion, one of the best content marketing examples is The Furrow magazine produced by John Deere.

What started out as an advertorial-driven publication turned into a beloved resource for generations of farmers. Today, The Furrow is a story-telling vehicle, with great photography and advice on how farmers can run their businesses.

And, there’s not much actual mention of John Deere. The Furrow is happy to be a trusted source for farmers, and in exchange, farmers let John Deere into their homes.

Fun With Fireworks

You don’t have to be the flashiest company on the block to use content marketing. Case-in-point, high-end cooler company Yeti. From the beginning, Yeti forged their own marketing path.

In addition to targeting “prosumers” with sponsored programming on hunting and fishing television stations, Yeti created a series of short video clips that put their product to the test. They pitted their coolers against a professional wrestler, a slingshot, and even fireworks.

Content marketing is usually educational. But it can be fun, too.

Canva is another great example of content marketing that takes care of the customer rather than pushing them through a funnel. Canva is a graphic design app that also publishes helpful content through their Design School blog and social media. They are a resource for their customers and earn their trust.

I used Canva when I was working in a job where I did not have access to Adobe products (the industry standard when it comes to graphic design.) I also tried out different software alternatives. Truthfully, if the Canva software didn’t work as well as it does, I might have gone with one of their competitors. But, Canva works well and it’s a great resource. So, I went with them.

Yes, eventually I moved on to Adobe products. But it certainly wasn’t because of price (graphic designers often call it the “Adobe Tax”). For a long time, I relied on Canva for graphic design basics and how-to information. And now, I tell anyone and everyone who needs graphic design software cheaply to try out Canva. I am no longer their customer, but I am an advocate for them.

Content marketing is a slow roll. It’s like leaving a bread crumb trail for consumers to follow. Spread those bread crumbs around, make them irresistible. Everyone wants to be remembered, so tell your story.

To go along with our 8th Anniversary, which we are celebrating this month, here are eight marketing trends that are fast-becoming marketing must-haves. Are you taking every opportunity to build your audience?

Are you building your audience?

1. Personalization

Personalization can take on many flavors. It can be as simple as including your customer’s first name in the salutation of an email. Or, a company can be very intentional about their website and lay out an easy-to-follow trail of digital breadcrumbs.

You don’t need to turn your supply chain inside out but do think about how you reach your customer at every touch point and ask, is this made for them?

2. AI

Speaking of personalization, Artificial Intelligence is going to make even more personalization options available. In fact, it already is – Amazon is a perfect example. When a customer logs into their Amazon account, the landing page is customized for them based on their past purchases and viewing history.

Build your audience in real-time.

3. Live Streaming

Even in our hyper-connected world, people still long for connection. I think this partly explains the popularity of live streaming (also called live video). Conducting live streams with comments enabled can go a long way in building a relationship with your audience.

4. Visual Search

Human beings are visual by nature. So, it makes sense for people to want to search visually as well as with words. And the technology to do so is getting better and better.

Pinterest is a powerful example of this trend. For an interesting account of their pursuit of visual search technology (it all starts with an avocado, because of course it does), click here.

Hello … is it me you’re looking for?

5. Voice Search

As we have talked about on this blog before, voice search is fast becoming a part of consumers’ everyday lives. Forty-one percent of adults use a voice- activated personal assistant at least once a day. Optimizing your website for voice search will become increasingly important.

6. Purpose & Emotion

The adage “people buy with their emotions and assign reasons to their actions later” is true. Nike, Tesla, Facebook. For better or worse, these companies have showed their purpose through their actions over the years. And customers have reacted.

What emotions do your customers associate with your company? What is your company’s purpose?

Retail is dead. Long live retail.

7. Experiential Commerce

Much has been made of the retail apocalypse. But, as TechCrunch argues, retail might not be experiencing The End so much as an inflection point.

Many wildly successful e-commerce businesses have opened physical stores in recent years – Amazon, Warby Parker, Casper, Glossier. It’s all about creating a seamless experience where a business can court a customer little by little. Retail stores are showrooms and experiences unto themselves, where customers can try before they buy.

8. Content marketing

Consider this: 47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.

Content marketing isn’t going anywhere. The media market is fragmented, everyone is their own publisher. Now is the time for companies to build their own audience.

Pardon our mess … we’re building an audience.

2019 will be all about a better customer experience with personalization, automation and AI-powered technology, so you need to be sure you are producing custom content to engage your targeted audience. Whether you’re considering incorporating these trends or you’ve already implemented and are evolving your use of them, we are here to help you incorporate them into your marketing plan.

Personalized marketing is all about connecting the dots – data and content – based on consumers interests and preferences. Data collection and analysis allows for strategic deployment of individualized content to target audiences. “Customers have more choice than ever before, so we have to ensure we’re meeting their needs in real time, on-demand and personally relevant ways, both online and offline,” Mark Sciortino, VP of brand marketing strategy and planning, Walgreens, relayed in 2018.

Here are three benefits to utilizing personalized marketing:

Improved Customer Experience

Knowing their sensitive information is protected makes customers more comfortable with providing personal information. In return, they should receive more personalized experiences upon subsequent visits.

Increased Brand Loyalty

When consumers provide information and data, they expect to be treated as unique individuals with specific preferences. Dedicate time and resources to implement successful personalized marketing strategies. The result will be a competitive advantage in both brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Inflated ROI

If your automation technology is on point, you can easily identify individual customer preferences. Capitalize on it with customized content across channels online and offline. This will result in more sales opportunities. Coca-Cola’s Share a Coke campaign used common first names to attract millennials. That personalized campaign was the first time in years Coca-Cola grew their sales.

Personalized marketing campaigns require you to connect the three “C’s” of content with the three “C’s” of customization. You must know – and connect with – your audience. To know them is to love them by generating content personalized to them.


To create personalized marketing, you have to know what matters to your target. That starts with collecting data about them which is relevant to your brand. Real-time collection and analysis of data allows you to consistently evolve your marketing strategies to customers’ ever-changing behaviors. For example, if you are marketing a restaurant, your data collection would include location, demographic, and transactional data.


For your data collection to be beneficial, you have to utilize the collected information to create relevant content. Data collection allows you to create targeted and customized email marketing, social media marketing, video messages (one reason automated technology is key), and individualized product recommendations. In fact, 2015 research showed that personalized email campaigns received 29 percent higher email open rates and 41 percent higher click-through rates than ordinary emails.


Connection is built through authentic interactions. Personalized marketing allows you to connect individually and in community with your audience. You can show your human side (social media engagement or working reply-to email addresses). It also allows you to capitalize on consumers FOMO (fear of missing out) by showing how many people may be looking at the same product, how many of an item remain in stock or how long an item may remain on sale.

As with any marketing campaign, there are challenges to achieving these goals. In personalized marketing, the two main challenges to overcome are:

  • Consistency. Consumers are interacting with brands across a number of channels, including email, social, mobile, etc. Each interaction with your brand must be consistent at every touch point.
  • Time and Resources. To collect the right data, companies must utilize the right technology. Analysis of the data to create relevant content on a constant, evolving basis across multiple channels is key. This takes a significant number of hours and a significant chunk of manpower and monetary resources.

We would love to be a consistent resource to help you connect all the dots on your brand’s personalized marketing campaign.

In 2019, social media marketing is an essential tool for developing a connection with your audience. In some ways, social media marketing is similar to online dating. You are courting your audience with social media, and a connection won’t develop by being overly promotional with your posts.social media marketing

Successful social media marketing requires an investment of significant time (and resources). Your investment can pay dividends, but it requires planning. Developing strategies with clearly-identified goals and target audiences is key. But avoiding common faux pas is equally as important.

Seven of the (many!) dos and don’ts for social media marketing

  1. Be social. You have to put yourself out there, so don’t be nonexistent on social media. You can’t influence anyone if you have no profile.
  2. Be interesting. Know Your Audience. You want to pique and maintain viewers’ interest, so post varied content they will find interesting and valuable. Don’t make it all about you by only posting promotional content.
  3. Be genuine. If your brand is all about fun, your audience expects a certain playfulness to your social media. Don’t send mixed messages by being inconsistent in your marketing.
  4. Be available. Social media marketing is a 24/7 customer service opportunity, so engage often and consistently. Don’t ignore posted questions or concerns.
  5. Be a good listener. Always pay attention -and respond gratefully- to consumer feedback. Don’t ignore the negative feedback, because you can’t develop relationships by ignoring (or deleting) criticisms.
  6. Be Aware. Use hashtags and handles to attract interest, but don’t appear desperate by using too many. Keep it effective and efficient.

Be smart. Check your content for spelling, grammar and phrasing, and correct mistakes as soon as they’re caught. Don’t be insensitive in your phrasing or messaging.

We cannot say it enough – strategy is critical.

Content is key. Consistency is key.

Social media management is customer service and poor customer service will hurt your brand’s reputation.

Unlike in dating, it is a good idea to outsource social media duties. Those of us with the experience and knowledge can create and implement social media marketing strategies that follow all the rules.

Give us a call to help influence your audience to swipe right on your brand’s social media marketing!

“One of the greatest rock songs ever written is ‘Stairway to Heaven’ [by Led Zeppelin]. ‘Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.’ So, whatever’s wrong, whatever’s not working out, whatever you’re not happy with – in yourself or a situation – take the initiative and fix it.” – Shaun Breidbart, comedian and executive director, The Ivy League of Comedy

As you choreograph your brand’s 2019 marketing plans, press pause if the same old song and dance is on repeat – particularly in the following four areas. A remix (and the addition of instrumental help) may be your brand’s ticket to achieving rock star status.

1. “Let it Go.” Turn Over Control of Social Media.

Time is money. Social media marketing isn’t just about increasing sales. It is storytelling. It is about consistent connection with your target audience. For social media to truly boost your brand, dedicated time to engage with your audience regularly – in real time – is crucial. You can’t press pause for vacations, trade shows or weekends.

Mistakes are costly. Social media management is customer service. In the absence of a solid social media strategy – and someone experienced to execute it – mistakes are likely. Poor customer service leads consumers to give brands the freeze-out.

The person/company managing your brand’s social media is its agent, tour manager and promoter all rolled into one. Outsourcing those managerial duties gains you an experienced professional who knows the ins and outs of social media.  This frees you up to focus on other areas of your performance.

  1. What are You Waiting For? Take the marketing plan off the back burner.

Leaders must understand the importance of brand marketing. As we’ve said before, we love partnering with business leaders on single release initiatives. But to avoid being a one-hit wonder, a brand needs a solid marketing plan to complement their strategic plan.

If the creation or implementation of a marketing plan is left “Standing Outside the Fire” you will have no plan. If you have no plan, you will have no direction. Without direction you won’t have consistency – leaving your brand running “Against the Wind” to build consumer trust.

  1. Breakaway.” Transform garage band marketing to unique, memorable content.

Having a website is great, but customers believe “What You Get Is What You See.” Are you getting the veto vote because your marketing is lacking? How do you look when going up against competition? Are potential clients trying unsuccessfully to validate you?

Bands wanting to become famous must promote themselves to make the right connections to boost their profile. Likewise, your marketing must make meaningful connections to your brand. You can bang those drums “All Night Long” but that alone won’t help you advance. You must have someone in your corner to successfully influence the interest of others.

  1. “Shake It Off.” Say Goodbye to Gmail.

Excellent email communication is now a required piece of good customer service. Here are 3 reasons you should say goodbye to Gmail:

  • Your email address and content represent ‘how you look’ in the online world. Having a business email address with your company’s domain name is judged as professional. Business emails sent through Gmail raise doubts about your credibility.
  • An email account contains confidential business information. Using Gmail does not afford you the luxury of controlling whether employees utilize that information appropriately.
  • Gmail does not allow you to integrate your brand’s logo and colors to your email messages to make them more consistent and memorable. This renders it ineffective as a marketing tool.

You are “The Leader of the Band.” No one knows your brand better than you. It is ultimately up to you to determine your vision and whether your current track is helping that vision materialize. We are here to help you rock!

As planning for 2019 kicks into high gear, now is a good time to take a look at what’s “en vogue” in the marketing world. Is your marketing plan ready to strike a pose?

Some things are classics, and your go-to, wear everyday piece is CONTENT. Quality, engaging content is the cornerstone of any successful marketing plan. Beyond that, the following trends are simply accessories to be mixed in when they fit a brand’s individual style. Much like the latest  fashion fads, not every trend is the right stylistic fit for every brand.

With that caveat out of the way, here are five things walking the marketing runway:

Marketing Automation

ROI has been realized in 75% of companies in just one year of marketing automation use. Companies using marketing automation have reported a substantial 34% increase to their sales revenue, regardless of company size or industry.  In addition, 91% of users say it is “very important” to their overall marketing success. It’s all the rage – which puts marketing automation at the very top of the 2019 trendsetters’ list.


Chatbots can quickly recognize and respond to data … in real time. This gives both consumers and brands a virtual assistant to do anything handling customer queries to ordering a pizza! marketing planThis saves time, money and human effort. We need look no further than the hugely popular Alexa to understand why the use of chatbots is taking over automated web communications.

Video Marketing

The growth of video will continue. Facebook Live was rolled out in April 2016, and in just two years, the average number of broadcasts doubled, earning more than 150 billion reactions. Video ads are still going strong as well. In August 2018, 65% of ad impressions on Instagram were the result of video content. If those stats aren’t enough to convince you that the video marketing craze will continue, consider this: When customers watch a video on a website, Google pushes that site up in its search results … ideal for any brand.

Native Advertising

Native advertising is on the rise over the use of banner ads, because it doesn’t disrupt the user experience. This increases consumers’ willingness to share it, which generates more sales leads.

Inbound Marketing

Because it’s simple, versatile and 61% cheaper than traditional marketing, inbound marketing remains a cost-effective method of connecting with your audience. Keeping inbound marketing hip is:

  • Blogging. Statistically, blogging is three times more effective than traditional marketing in its ability to generate sales leads. It also allows you to include a variety of content that isn’t strictly direct product advertisement.
  • Social Media. While AI and Chatbots create a life-like assistant, a strong social media presence creates an opportunity for consumers to engage with real people – making your brand appear more relatable. It also makes it quick and easy to provide exclusive offers or coupon codes to generate customers. To allow for a more seamless experience for consumers, you can also expect to see the continued integration of services into third-party apps by social media companies.
  • Email-marketing. Companies that choose e-mail marketing can double their number of generated leads over those that do not. Adding automation can then double that amount. With numbers like those, e-mail marketing continues to be the top model of effective inbound marketing.

Here on the Porch we would love to design a marketing plan for you to premiere in 2019 (perfectly coordinated to your brand’s individual style, of course).

Everything is bigger in Texas! This includes the opportunities for small business owners and entrepreneurs to network and learn from each other. One of these opportunities – the Governor’s Small Business Women’s Forum – was recently held locally in partnership with the National Association of Women Business Owners, Arlington Chamber of Commerce and Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County.

There, as part of a digital marketing panel alongside other local business owners (including Kalyn Asher, president of our fabulous client Asher Media, Inc.), I had the honor of presenting tips from the Porch on integrating your digital marketing with your brand strategy. Now, I get to share them with you rockin’ readers, too!

Brand Identity

1. First, build a strong brand identity. The foundation of your brand strategy is your brand architecture.

Brand architecture is built on the following pillars:

  • Vision – Determine who you are and who/what you aspire to be as a company.
  • Personality – The human personality traits that describe how you want to be known.
  • Positioning – The place your brand occupies in the mind of your target audience.
  • Affiliation – What you want other people to think of and associate with your company.

Strong brands have three main attributes. We like to call them “The Three C’s”:

  • Connection – Brands that cultivate loyalty connect with their target audiences. Consumers care about what your brand stands for.
  • Conviction – Everyone in the company needs to believe that the brand is important.  They need to know that the company brand stands for a specific and important promise. Company leaders need to understand the brand, articulate it clearly and champion it internally.
  • Consistency – Brand consistency equals earning consistency. Be consistent with your look and message. Deliver on your brand promise at every touch point.

Content is Key

2. Create quality, engaging digital content. The foundation of your digital marketing strategy is having content you can utilize consistently as part of your overall brand strategy.

Another key thing to remember are the three “C’s” of content. Your digital marketing content should be:

  • Customized. According to The Content Council, 61% of consumers say they feel better about a company that delivers custom online content.  Also, they are more likely to buy from companies that deliver customized content. Nielsen’s 2018 Total Audience Report shows American adults spend nearly half of their day online looking at content. Most consumers liked custom content for brand engagementKnow your audience. Use the power of personalization to your advantage.
  • Creative. Create customized content. Keep your content consistent in your brand guidelines but try to push the boundaries of your brand and voice.
  • Cohesive. The customized content you create should be repurposed across platforms and networks.  But remember, repurposed does not mean identical.  Your content should not look the same or say the same thing across different channels.

Don’t Forget Email Marketing

3. Finally, do not underestimate the power of email marketing. It is cost-effective and allows you to easily create different journeys for different groups content-wise.

Customize your email content so that it is personal.  This goes beyond simply including users’ names.

Make your marketing emails skim-friendly. Emails should have a clear call to action and purpose. The less effort and time required for interaction, the better.

In conclusion, if you want to rock a bigger, better brand, start with a strong foundation. Integrate your customized, creative and cohesive digital marketing to connect with your audience.  Remember: Consistency is key.

I love telling a story.

Last week, my son asked a girl to Homecoming. Naturally, I posted the obligatory photo on Facebook, but the way he asked needed explaining, because it involved a three year old conversation, a completely nonsensical batch of verbiage, and a pint of guacamole. So I told the story. It was heartwarming, it was funny, and it illustrated the completely unique bond between my oldest children.

The post received more likes and responses than usual. Why? Because I told a story, and that story resonated with people, who felt compelled to engage with me about it.

This is no surprise to us on the Porch. We have long known that effective, evocative storytelling is the cornerstone of marketing. Finding the right words and ways to tell our clients’ stories is what marketing them is all about. On social media. On their websites. In their email newsletters.

It’s no wonder, then, that the marketing world is proclaiming that storytelling is the Future of Content Marketing in 2018.

It’s no longer enough to give consumers some evocative imagery and slick typography. The visuals are important, of course. It’s what catches their eye and piques their interest. But you have to give them something to connect to emotionally, something that engages them and keeps them coming back for more.

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” – writer Phillip Pullman

Your marketing should tell your story. It should tell the story of your business – what sets you apart and makes you unique. It should take information that is fairly practical – company capabilities, project descriptions, etc. – and give them life, context, and meaning.

It’s what I love most about my job. Meeting our clients. Listening to them and watching them and figuring out who they are and what makes them special. And then choosing the words that paint their picture. It’s the best.

Are you effectively painting your picture? Does your website show people exactly who you are? Do your social media accounts give people a glimpse into why you do what you do? If they don’t, then come see us. We can help you tell your story.

Fall is a season full of new engagement and reconnection. There are new coworkers in our offices. Our children are reconnecting with friends at school. Also, its a good time to look at tactics and strategies to increase your marketing ROI. After all, it is the last quarter of 2018. Enter the power of email marketing.

Certainly, social media is important.  (We love connecting on Instagram and Facebook!) Yes, influencer marketing campaigns are on the rise. But, email marketing is still known for higher ROI percentages for new and repeat consumer engagement.

Why?  Email allows for a more “conversational tone.” As a result, email communication can create a genuine feel for the consumer. Remember, “a small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.”

You've Got Mail: Increase ROI with the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing has higher ROI percentages for new and repeat consumer engagement.

Here are some tips for successful email marketing communications:

Make it personal: Know your audience. Personalization goes beyond including users’ names. This is an expected practice and off-putting if not done.

Email marketing allows you to “create different journeys for different groups,” says Forbes contributor Seamas Egan in his article, Netflix Is Winning At Email Marketing. Use the power of personalization to your advantage.

Make it interactive. Egan suggests using GIFs to animate emails. This is a great way to create relevant and interactive content. Check out this collection of animated marketing emails for inspiration.

Make it quick and easy. The less effort and time required for interaction, the better. Make emails skim-friendly. As a result, readers can quickly find the call to action and the main purpose of the email.

Sometimes a single email triggers a response that reconnects us. But, sometimes a single email is all it takes to land new business.

Research, branding and reboots … The latest version of our own Pick Six (for six glorious years in front porch marketing researchbusiness, natch …) finds us walking our own proverbial yellow brick road in search of marketing nirvana.

We always say (but it bears repeating), marketing is more art than science. Finding the perfect mix of marketing strategy and tactics that will deliver the biggest impact for clients is never a one size fits all exercise – it’s a bit of a journey! And we have to admit … we absolutely love the journey.

Research, branding and reboots, oh my!

Enjoy these exciting and fulfilling stops along the way:

  1. Research and Branding – The research and brand architecture exercise that we are undergoing with Mister Sweeper gives us serious back to basics euphoria! We live for this stuff, friends.
  2. Newsletter Refresh and Reboot – We love giving a long-standing client a refresh, and the end result is fantastic! Check out the latest Corps Team Client newsletter. Phenomenal!
  3. Blogging – We can’t say enough about blogging and the importance of it in your content strategy. Blogs we love include, but aren’t limited to, The GEM, TodoModo Group, PeopleResults and Feizy.
  4. Learning – The Chief Rocker’s association with Vistage continues to be an invaluable one. Lots of great ideas were shared recently by Communications Specialist Michael Allosso, who was the guest speaker at a business owner’s event.
  5. Team Straight Talk – Even when our Rockers aren’t delivering the skinny ON the Porch, they are telling it like it is OFF the Porch. Check out Tara (aka The Rock) in The Dallas Morning News.
  6. New Connections – We love that our clients and friends spread the word on our behalf! Meeting with new people and prospects to see if we can help is always a charge.

Thanks for walking our yellow brick road with us, friends! We continue to be thankful for each and every one of you.

Join us elsewhere if you want jams: TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn!