Tag Archives: Business Leaders

How Can Lead Generation Benefit Your Business?

Good question! You’ve heard about “Lead Generation” but aren’t sure what that is, how to do it, or if it can help you build your business, right? As a marketing firm that works on lead generation strategies and programs all the time, we’re here to answer your questions. So ask yourself these questions next:

  1. Interested in investing in the expertise of what a strategic, seasoned marketing partner can provide for your overall brand? Good. Read further.
  2. Ready to invest the resources, time, money, etc. to get there? Better.
  3. Know that the fundamentals of a brand architecture, brand strategy, message map, creative brief are key? Your competition and target customer are defined? Best.

Over the past two weeks, we have had new prospects reach out to us regarding lead generation. So, let’s rap about that specifically.

Let’s Get Started

What is it? Lead generation is the process of attracting and engaging your target audience. And then, converting them to customers. Engage your prospects. Build relationships. Turn leads into loyal customers. And loyal customers translate into sales.

Lead Generation Winning Strategies

There are lots. There is no silver bullet, one size fits all. Once all documents are reviewed and goals and target are considered, we recommend the right strategy for each business we work with at Front Porch Marketing.

Let’s name a few:

  • Content Marketing. This really should be part of any of the processes below. It hits many buckets: social media, website, SEO and inbound marketing. Providing consistent, relevant content of value and establishing cred and authority with your prospects.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and on page. This has to do with your website. Think forms, widgets and pop-ups to attract website visitors and produce leads by collecting information like email addresses for follow-up, or addition to a monthly newsletter.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Platforms and tools — i.e. LinkedIn Sales Navigator, PipeDrive, Salesforce, ZoomInfo — can help identify and reach the optimal target audience for your business. Once you reach your audience these tools also help you nurture them. Turn them into loyal customers via email, SMS and other one-on-one relationship building communications.

What’s Your Next Step?

Our clients reap success using these strategies and tools. We can share success stories related to any of the bullets above. And, we are here to help you. Let us implement a repeatable process of lead generation and then scale it with strategies and tactics to grow your topline.

Q&A from a small business owner

Small businesses are the heart of America, but what would it look like to start a small business in the post-pandemic world of today? Life in corporate America has changed drastically since the start COVID-19 pandemic. Turnover rates have skyrocketed and a growing sense of burnout has people looking for flexible, fulfilling enterprises. So, when the 9-5 isn’t cutting it anymore, why not become your own boss?

Turn a passion into a money making machine that pays the bills and gets you out of the office. My personal friend, MJ, did just that. She created Ambrosia and Honey, an online art shop specializing in fantasy novel merchandise. I got the inside scoop on how MJ turned her drawings into a successful, growing company, as well as the hardships and victories she encountered along the way. 

1. What made you want to start your small business?

I started to read again after graduating college. I loved reading as a kid but school took up too much of my time and that passion got put on the back burner. A few months after graduation I got a job as a concept artist and was living with my parents. I had tons of free time after work and was burning through several books every week.

After 6 months working I realized that I really don’t like working for a company. No matter how cool the assignment was, I found that I could never bring as much passion to my job as I did to my personal work. I got into a bit of a bad place where I wasn’t sure what I truly wanted anymore. My goal was always to become a concept artist so why wasn’t I happy?

That was when I discovered the bookish community on TikTok and Instagram. I found so many other people that loved to read as much as I did, as well as other artists who created amazing bookish shops. I thought to myself “well I could do that.” And so I did!

2. How have your priorities changed from when you first started?

I don’t think my priorities have changed as much as my goals have. Originally I started the shop with the goal to share my art and maybe make a few extra bucks on the side to pay for gas, seeing as I drove 45 minutes to and from work every day. I was already creating fanart for myself, I figured other people might like to see it too.

Well as it turns out a lot of people like to see it and the shop is now my full time job! My current goals are more in the realm of expanding the company so I can keep up with the demand and creating even better products. My small business priority has always been quality over quantity. 

3. Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out in your small business?

I would have done preorders from the start. I didn’t realize that social media engagement didn’t equal actual sales so I ordered way more product than I actually needed.

4. What has been the hardest thing about starting your own business? 

The hardest thing has probably been the accounting and business side of things. The art comes easy but the legal things you have to take care of are incredibly frustrating and time-consuming.

5. What is unique about your small business?

I think the fact I make art based on books is pretty unique. Most fan artists make work based on tv shows, films, or anime but the bookish community is relatively niche. My work itself is another thing that separates me from other bookish shops. The majority sell apparel, candles, or jewelry while I sell decor.

I combine digital painting with 3D elements to create something that’s never been done before. Of course this isn’t to say those shops are bad — on the contrary! My fellow bookish shop owners have become some of my dearest friends. I just mean to say mine is slightly different from the rest.

6. What do you look into when making a new product for your business? 

I have an entire notebook full of ideas I can’t wait to show everyone! Often times they come to me while I’m driving or when I’m about to fall asleep. That’s the easy part; scheduling is the main problem.

Due to how time-consuming each launch is, I’m only able to do one every few months so I have to be very strategic when they’re placed throughout the year. Seasons, holidays, book release dates, etc. all play in to what I choose to design and when. I definitely get inspired by my fellow bookish shops but my work is different enough from them that I generally just to my own thing.

7. How do you market your business? What is the most useful/successful?

Social media is essential to my small business! I personally use both TikTok and Instagram. Understanding how the algorithm works is the best skill you can learn in terms of marketing. Good lighting, engaging captions, and posting at the right times will take you far. If you don’t know where to start, look at other accounts to get inspiration. 

8. Any advice to someone starting a small business?

My biggest piece of advice is to be approachable! Let your followers get to know you and create a community. Post relatable content with insights into your personal life. Pull back the curtain and show what’s behind the scenes. People want to follow people, not brands.

Are you ready to start your own small business?

Starting a small business is no easy task, but it might be just what you need if you’re feeling bogged down by the corporate machine. They say if you’re good at something you should never do it for free, and if you’ve got passion and determination it can take you where you need to go. We’ve even got more tips for marketing your small business to help you get started.

Hopefully these tips can help you or someone you know who is looking to start their own small business! Huge thanks to my friend MJ. Remember to check out her shop Ambrosia and Honey online, and don’t forget to shop small!

How Do You START Marketing Your Small Business?

Marketing your small business can be an overwhelming task if you’re starting from scratch. Where do you start? What’s the most important thing? What are the marketing steps to take to get to success?

Over the years, Front Porch Marketing has written a ton of articles to help small businesses succeed — on everything from social media to marketing plans. Today we’ll gather those up in a helpful list that you can use to start marketing your small business. Even if you’re starting from scratch.

Start Your Marketing With a Plan

Before you start doing anything, you need to have a big, bad marketing plan. Why? This steering document will help you know who your audience is and what your goals are. It will help you develop strategies to succeed, and tactics to reach those people.

As months pass, though, don’t forget you’ll need to continue to cultivate your marketing plan to make it grow, much like weeding and feeding a garden. Weed out what’s not working, and do more of what is working. A Marketing Plan is a living document.

Make Your Business Look Like It Means Business

To present the best face of your business to the world, you’ll need a logo. This visual symbol of your business’ legitimacy will be a reminder everywhere — your email, your website, your invoices, your staff’s golf shirts. Designing a strong logo and implementing it is key to a strong brand voice.

Can Your Customers Find You as You Are Marketing Your Small Business?

Most businesses have a website, as their home-base on the internet. This is the first place customers will go to find you and learn more about your business. Is yours up-to-date? Or do you need to build your first website? Maybe you just need to expand your presence by adding a social media channel or two after a social media audit. Depending on who your customer is, you might choose Facebook or LinkedIn, Twitter or TikTok, to reach them.

You might also want to consider email marketing to reach your customers. Engage and connect with customers. Make their lives easier by helping them solve problems. Email marketing has power, and building your email marketing list can build your business.

Grow Your Audience With Advertising!

Reaching your consumers wherever they may be is important. So your marketing plan might likely include some form of advertising. Do you need digital advertising to reach new customers on the internet? Maybe text message marketing and advertising (SMS) to build loyalty with your existing customers. Would testimonials on your website convince others to try your company?

Establish Your Authority With Media Relations.

Some businesses benefit from having the news media write about them in editorials, reviews and interviews. Effective media relations can get great results for your business goals when done properly. Customizing your news to each publication can benefit both parties.

Start Your Small Business Marketing from Scratch By Taking the First Step

Read through some of our articles to help you get started on the journey of marketing your small business. Remember that it’s a marathon, and that you can continuously improve your approach to get better and better results. Need help with any part of your journey? We’re here to help.

Seasoned Business Leaders: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

As a seasoned business leader, the old adage, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” has been replaying as a reminder in my mind over and over again for the last year. Sometimes when you’ve been doing a certain thing for a long time, you might become insulated from innovation by doing things the way you first learned them. You might even forget the best practices you learned at the beginning in favor of doing what works at the moment in your business. At this point, reminders for seasoned business leaders can be helpful to continue to grow.

So this week I’m sharing here some reminders for business leaders who may need a refresher on the must-dos and must-haves when things are rockin’. And even before they’re rockin’. These apply whether you are a start-up or veteran. I was reminded this week of what I don’t know when I launched a new business of sorts, and finally brought it to life.

Seasoned Business Leader Turned Start-Up (again)

As most of those who know me know, my son is in college in Central Florida. After his freshman year and countless visits to Florida, more for my sake than his, I had an idea. Buy a place in Florida. I’m there all the time to see my son, and when I’m not there I could rent it out to others who would enjoy the beach as much as my family does.

So, I did countless hours of research. Ran numbers backwards and forwards. Consulted my business advisor. Then, did more research. Then, I contacted several owners of rental properties and local small business owners in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Next, I refinanced the house. In addition, I had to take out another significant loan to get this idea off the ground.

As I last blogged, this is not my first rodeo. But, I am here to tell you old dogs do forget the new tricks. As a seasoned business owner, I was reminded in the course of this new project, just how much these business basics matter.

Business Leader Basics to Remember

1. Finances

Make sure you have extra in the budget for unexpected expenses during start-up. Money isn’t made in the first and sometimes second year of business. Remember that. Another thing going through my head these last few months is that real estate is a long term investment, as most businesses are. Seasoned business leaders know to endure the short term pains for the long-term gain.

2. Time

Remember that time is your inventory. Don’t go down rabbit holes. Overthinking and questioning yourself aren’t necessary. Stay focused on what matters. Make decisions and then move on. Most of all, be efficient in all you do.

3. Support Network

Partner with the experts. I don’t know construction. Or anything about the short-term rental space. Nor do know much about HOAs, (but I do now) so I found and made friends with the BEST in these categories. I am so grateful for them and their expertise. Also, my family and friends were there when I needed to vent, cry, scream or say queue #5.

4. Front Porch Marketing Team

If you have two businesses, make sure each of the business teams are in support of the other. The Front Porch team kept the Porch rockin’ while I was bobbing and weaving in and out so I could get Calming Corner (our new beach space) up and running. Seasoned business leaders build teams they can count on in crunch times.

5. Saying Uncle

Yes, you can have too much on your plate. So ask for grace. Be nice to yourself. Realize you do have physical and mental limitations.

6. Good Enough

Our first renters were to arrive at 4 p.m. on the 1st of April. There was cleaning to be done. Some pictures were not hung, etc. But the place was beautiful. It was time to finish the cleaning and save the rest for the next time she was vacant. Good enough is sometimes perfection.

“The Calming Corner” is Up and Running

I am proud to say that as we are building this rental business, we are also supporting other local businesses. The new couch is manufactured in Florida by a Florida-based company. The patio furniture is manufactured in Volusia County and the business is owned and operated by a local husband and wife duo. And our boutique vacation rental company, Florida Vacay Rentals, is owned by a local female rock star who is also my “Florida Anchor.” And I am honored to call her my friend.

So here is my shameless plug for Calming Corner, our new Front Porch view! Please note, NEW photography coming soon, because there are all new floors, paint and furniture. And there is a fabulous remodeled master bath. Shorehom by the Sea, Unit 54, also has a new bedroom pocket door, a new pantry, a new washer dryer closet and more.

Oh, and, as of April 6, it has a brand new air-conditioner, that was not in the budget … sigh.

Front Porch Marketing is now 12 years old, thanks to you. What are our marketing take-aways from the past 12 years? We value your support and confidence in us over the years! You and your brands are our jam.

Marketing Take-Aways to Help Your Business Grow

Reflecting back on client trends and opportunities, on our pearl anniversary, we share common pearls of wisdom we saw at the beginning and continue to see today. We hope these marketing take-aways spur some thinking for you!

1. DIY Marketing

It only gets a brand so far. And, once your brand is established and has credibility, DIY marketing is no longer good enough. Time to take your garage band to the main stage. Hire a professional or firm.

2. Hiring One Marketing Person to Do All the Marketing Things

There are only a handful of unicorns on the planet that can do all the things marketing. If you go this route, know they need support. A marketing generalist isn’t your graphic designer, copywriter, webmaster, etc. Give them the resources they need to do their jobs.

3. B2B Websites

We hear from business owners their websites aren’t a priority and aren’t a sales and marketing tool. Not true. What we see most often is that you aren’t closing the sale or getting to the next round of meetings because you are getting the veto vote when potential clients go to your website to validate your credibility. Important marketing take-away: your website is your virtual office. Optimize it!

4. Marketing Take-Away for CEOs, C-Suite Executives or Managing Partners

Your role is strategy, operations, finances, and managing people. We have experienced too many times when you want to get too far in the weeds managing marketing. At that point, bottlenecks happen and marketing doesn’t happen at its best or consistently.

5. Brand Architecture

Without brand architecture, your branding is inconsistent. Define your brand mission, personality, positioning and affiliation. Let all things marketing flow from there. This becomes the filter and guidepost for branding and marketing strategy as well as execution.

6. Shiny Objects

You have Salesforce, but your team isn’t utilizing it. Then you get Hootsuite and ZoomInfo and, and, and. Stop right there. Marketing operations take-away: Make sure whatever technology you currently have is being utilized to its fullest. Then, if needed, build upon that with other tools.

Marketing Take-Aways to Take You Through the Next 12 Years

Cheers to you! Thank you for trusting in us, believing in us and getting us to our 12th anniversary. Without your support, we wouldn’t be rockin’ on the Porch today and lovin’ every minute of it. We hope these 6 marketing take-aways will be helpful for your business as we grow together over the next dozen years!

Attend marketing conferences to learn, grow and connect with other leaders.

Attending a branding or marketing conference can not only expand your knowledge, it can expand your network. It can also broaden your opportunities and your outlook! To begin with, when you go to a conference, you’re hanging out with people who do a job like yours. These are people who face the same leadership challenges that you do. You have similar interests, as far as work goes, so you can all learn from each other. At a marketing conference, you can share experiences and gain best practice knowledge from others who do your job.

Improving your knowledge is another reason to attend branding and marketing conferences. For instance, you might learn new cutting edge information about your profession. Or you can learn how to enhance the work you are already doing. The impact on your upskilled performance is worth the price of admission.

Gain valuable insight into your industry, profession, or specific job.

First of all, attending conferences gives you the opportunity to meet people who do what you do now. And secondly, you’ll get a chance to network with people who do what you’ll do next. Meeting people you admire in person gives you the chance to ask questions, have a chat with them, and get to know them and how they think. The best leaders surround themselves with other experts.

Marketing conferences to attend as a senior professional:

Senior Leadership

CES: CES is the most influential tech event in the world — the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators.

This is where the world’s biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage.

World Business Forum: Organized and curated by WOBI each year in cities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, World Business Forum is a two-day event that brings together thousands of restless minds united by their passion for business.

  • Learn from and be inspired by some of the world’s most renowned figures from business and beyond. It’s a blend of content comprised of CEOs, entrepreneurs, innovators, thinkers, artists and sportspeople.
  • The conference focuses on the issues most relevant to today’s businesspeople, stimulating new thinking and inspiring action.

It provides a unique networking environment to connect with like-minded professionals.

CMO/Senior Level

B2B Forum by MarketingProfs: The B2B Forum is a great space for B2B executives to meet and share advice on the best digital marketing tactics and technology.

While at the conference, you will get the chance to network. And you can connect with other driven marketing and business professionals. The sessions cover authenticity, logic, empathy, and building trust with your potential and existing clients. Overall, the program gives insights into your marketing style and what could be missing.

B2B Marketing Exchange: This is a core event for B2B marketing, covering the current issues in B2B, including Demand Generation, Messaging Frameworks, AI and Audience Centricity. Is there yoga in the morning? You bet.

Meet amazing B2B marketers and stay in touch with everything B2B.

BrandSmart: BrandSmart 2023 will be structured as 10+ TED Talk-style presentations. They’ll feature leaders from all over the world. They will be talking about the cornerstones of brand resilience. They’ll discuss the most recent trends and innovations, and give out the BrandSmart Awards. This conference lets professionals network in a uniquely styled format. Featured speakers include executives from Edelman, American Dental Association and SiriusXM & Pandora.

Strategic Marketing 2023: A Reuters Event, Strategic Marketing 2023 brings together leaders from the world’s most recognizable brands to define the future of marketing. This is the global platform to inspire and empower marketing leaders. Map the digital DNA of your consumer, foster brand loyalty and community, and unlock innovation.

Hyper-digitalization is driving an overload of online content. So marketers must stay ahead of industry trends and champion creativity as we look towards 2023. 

Join CMOs, trailblazers and experts at SM23 for the most crucial learning and networking opportunity of the year.

Take a step toward growth and learning this year at a marketing conference.

Make a commitment in 2023 to grow as a senior professional by attending one of these valuable conferences. Start finding your peer group. Then learn best practices. Maybe discover a new vendor. There are many benefits to including attending a senior level conference in your growth plan this year.

2022 reflections from The Porch are in!

I enjoy seeing where the commonality lies each year between each of the Rockers as we all offer our reflections on our individual lives. This year, slow and steady was the name of the game. We need the steady years in life – years without major personal and/or professional events or milestones.  They are the rebuilding years. They allow us to identify areas we’d like to see change, to set goals upon a solid foundation, and to take a breather for those years that catch us by surprise.

We hope you had the 2022 you wished for, and that our reflections foster a connection to your own.

Alison Moreno – Rock Collector

I feel 2022 was finally “back to normal” following the height of Covid in 2020-2021. My son began learning how to drive, my daughter began the decision process for which high school to go to, my husband moved up in his company, and we added a new dog to the family. My family was making advances and I kept things steady.  Professionally, I felt comfortably steady, but not did not experience any growth. Some years are meant for a “steady pace wins the race” mentality and this was one of those years. With the freedom from being my kids’ chauffeur, I am excited to set and focus on my own professional and personal goals moving into 2023.

Vanessa Hickman – Rock Star

Recently, someone mentioned a “covid blessing”. A covid blessing could be a lot of things. For me, it became a positive outcome from the unusual and unprecedented circumstances everyone weathered during the previous two years. The 2020-2021 timeframe created a lot of change for my family. My now teenage boys started at a new school. We attended a new church. Also, we found new ways of working. And, we are grateful for the people those changes have brought to our lives, but I am also thankful for 2022 which allowed us to focus on restoring something old to make it new for our family.

At the end of 2021, we acquired a lake property. So the beginning of 2022 was spent renovating that property. We rebuilt from the ground up, floor to ceiling. We even raised the roof (which still brings me much joy to say)! I draw similarity between the lake house renovation and the year. Reflections on 2022? It was a year of setting new foundations, rebuilding, reinforcing, redesigning, and raising the roof!  

Natalie Rosga – Rock Enthusiast

Thinking about 2022, I’ve tried to make a conscious effort every day to remember to slow down! One step at a time, one task at a time, one breath at a time. It’s ok if not every task is checked off the list at the end of the day. It’s more important to call it a night and wake up feeling happy and rested and ready to tackle the new day. 

This year has also been about carving out time for myself. As a mom, taking care of yourself typically falls to the bottom of the list. I’m learning that making time for myself is ok. Whether it’s a run on the treadmill, a pedicure, drinks with girlfriends, or a night out with my husband…it’s important to focus on myself. 

Slow and steady wins the race! Let’s also not forget that the house is happier when mom is happy! 

Lea Ann Allen – Swiss Army Rock

2022 has been a year where I definitely felt the notion of “the older you get the more you become yourself” take hold. I was more able to focus on important things and simply drop everything that I didn’t need in my life any longer: the naysayers, the time sucks, the unnecessary complications. I felt able to experience some of the joy of my early career in the work that I do, and constantly surprised myself when I found more patience, more stamina or more appreciation that I thought I had in me.

Last spring, my family replaced all the siding on our house which made it stronger and more able to withstand whatever the Texas weather plans to throw at us. At the same time, I honed self-care, exercise, and nutrition to make myself stronger and more able to withstand whatever life plans to throw at me next. Reflections on 2022 make me look forward to 2023 as a better version of my 2022 self!

Christine Finnegan – Media Rocker

In 2022, I practiced gratitude more than any other time in my life. It truly allowed me to view life through a positive lens. My thought process became increasingly optimistic and focused on solutions rather than problems. In the new year I am going to continue on this track by noticing simple pleasures and acknowledging everything that I have and having an awareness on a continuous basis of how I have been given. 

Julie Porter – Chief Rocker

Speaking of gratitude; in our 11th year, I continued to be humbled by the amazing, talented, genuine folks I get to work with, those who entrust us with their branding and marketing, as well as the leaders who refer us to their contacts. Thank you to each of you.

This year my son, while also venturing into leadership roles in college, was able to intern on the Porch, where he too, received the gift of working with the Front Porch Marketing team, clients, and advocates.

I had the pleasure of once-again managing amazing volunteers, assisting with event coordination, and working with an amazing committee so the Jesuit Women’s Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar can steadily grow bigger and better each year.  I have had the honor of regularly spending time with my daughter in her quest to volunteer helping animals. Our experience at Dallas Animal Services (DAS) has enriched our lives and relationship.

I am also grateful for the opportunity to take on a physical building project this year. The beach is my happy place.  It is a consistent vacation choice for my family because it allows me to rest and reset. In January we purchased a beach condo. We envisioned saving money on trips to the coast and creating a revenue generating rental experience. As these endeavors often do, the condo process has not gone as quickly, as smoothly, or as cost-effectively as I hoped. However, I cannot help but be grateful for reflections on the lessons I’ve learned and the people I’ve met along the way.  I have also been able to view first-hand the awe-inspiring tenacity and resilience from the people of Florida as they rebuild following a catastrophic hurricane season.

On a Steady Path: Reflections On Gratitude

Some seasons are awash with major developments, milestones, or life-altering events. Some are meant to keep us on a steady path. I have learned there is a lesson in all of them and to find gratitude in each.

We hope that you had a relaxing 2022 holiday season with family, friends, and we wish you steady growth in 2023.

Reminder: its almost Gratitude Week — or as most people call it, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite times of the year. Why? Because there is much to be grateful for and so many blessings to celebrate. So here’s your gratitude reminder!

Gratitude for Those Around Us

On the Porch, we are thankful for our team, supportive families and friends, clients and advocates. We are always looking for ways to show our gratitude to our village. In doing so, we often have opportunities to create new, authentic connections as well.

Five Ways You Can Share Your Gratitude to Clients and Customers:

  1. Share experiences. Host an event or invite them to attend events with the team. The time spent together is invaluable in building relationships and expressing gratitude toward one another.
  2. Share socially. Acknowledge loyalty on your company’s social networks.  Follow, like and comment on others’ posts.
  3. Share financially. Donating to a cause they care about signals your attentiveness to what is important to them.
  4. Share milestones. Commemorate birthdays, business founding dates, anniversaries together. Celebrating success is motivating and boosts confidence. We can all afford to celebrate more in life!
  5. Share simply. Thank them at each touchpoint and in every interaction. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. Gratitude is a gift you can share any time of the year!

A Big Thanks from The Front Porch

Your clients and customers play huge roles in your success and should be reminded of your gratitude at every opportunity. So from all of us on the Porch, thank you to our own clients, customers, and readers of this blog. We appreciate you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Put Your Marketing Must-Have Plan in Place Now.

Are you ready to tackle your company’s marketing must-have plans for next year? You’re in luck! We’ve simplified that list for you, to get you started. Your business success can be mapped out ahead of time with these five guideposts put in place to execute against.

Having a plan means you know what to do to build your business according to seasons, holidays, business cycles, trends and more. And, if you need help formulating any of these must-haves — or executing them, please ask us!

The Marketing Must-Haves:

1. Marketing Plan

What are your 2023 business and marketing goals? Define them now. Make a marketing plan. Then add in audiences, competition, SWOT, strategies and tactics. Know who you are and what you’re doing. Know what makes your company unique, and what your brand’s biggest benefit is.

2. Content Calendar

This important calendar includes social media and blogging as marketing initiatives. Know what you’re going to talk about every month and every week using this calendar. Take advantage of social media trends. Every content strategy needs a roadmap with dates, and this calendar is super helpful for engaging your consumer on a regular basis.

3. Marketing Timeline

Calendarize key events pertinent to your business, down to the day. Know what events to capitalize on for business success. Plan out when you will carry out campaigns for advertising, digital or print, as well as event pushes, PR and media relations, holiday and event marketing and more.

4. Marketing operations — including people, technology and analytics

Do you have the right team in place? Do you have enough team to get the job done next year? What tech and analytics tools do you need to execute and then evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies against your goals?

5. Marketing Budget

Once the four above have been defined, put numbers to each of them. Create a marketing budget that maximizes your impact. Plan for this budget quarterly, and then, manage to it monthly. Staying on track will pay off.

No matter the size of your business, start on your marketing must-haves now.

Take the guesswork out of what to do next week, next month, or just next with these five marketing must-haves for planning your next business year! We’ve seen our clients grow year over year when we help them set these must-have marketing goals in place. Then, we work together diligently all year to execute against them for business growth and success. It can work for you too.

Sustainability is top of mind with consumers. They have more choice than ever on where to spend their money. So more than ever, companies are focusing on sharing their sustainability efforts with their customers. Does sustainability affect consumer buying? The data says yes.

ESG (Environmental, social and Governance) are the criteria used by companies to build value. They organize business objectives around sustainability-focused risks and opportunities. Initiatives can include customers, supply chain, and even employees of a company. So get started! Basically, start by tracking your company’s impact on the environment. Then, measure your sustainability. Finally, share the results. This process can influence consumer interest in your company, your products, and your services.

Sustainability: What is ESG?

The environmental, social, and corporate governance framework highlights three areas where companies can track their sustainability. This can illustrate their impact on the environment.

  • Environmental: Does your company strive to preserve the natural world? Chiefly, talk to your consumers about how you are addressing climate change, pollution, water management or greenhouse gas emissions. This information could take the form of a Sustainability Report at the end of the year. We do this for our client Acme Brick every year. You might apply content marketing on your website. Or use social media posts to highlight specific places where your company has excelled.
  • Social: Does your company focus on including and supporting a diverse community? Referred to as DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), this set of actions enhances employee engagement and retention. Firstly, this could look like employee spotlight blog posts. Or you can engage the public with PR. Additionally, you might establish and promote programs to broaden your talent pool. Or you could support employees by offering training programs, like our client Diamond Brand Gear does.
  • Governance: This aspect of ESG covers topics like cybersecurity practices, corruption prevention and management structure. Indeed, talking about your company’s efforts in these areas reassures clients that your company is solid. It can highlight innovation. Generally, you can share posts on LinkedIn touting an advance your company has made in one of these areas, as an example.

Consumers Want to Buy From Companies That Support Sustainability

As 83% of consumers demand more ESG best practices from companies, 91% of business leaders now believe that their company has a responsibility to act on ESG issues. Conclusion? Obviously, consumers want to follow, buy from, and visit these companies more readily than ever before. And it’s not just consumers that want brands to take on these initiatives. 86% of employees say they’d prefer to work for companies that care about these issues. Sustainability has become one of the top issues that people care about.

Sustainability as a business goal is not a trend. Certainly, it is key to creating meaningful relationships with your customers and your employees. First, make sustainability your company’s business goal. Next, set up programs that support sustainability. Then, track and talk about your success. Therefore, this process is a fountain of content that you can share with your customers. Grow meaningful relationships with them centered on sustainability. And in turn, grow your sales based on your customers’ desire to make financial decisions tied to the social good your company is doing.