Tag Archives: shareable content

Valentine’s Day, Saint Valentine, and the history behind it all lies in somewhat of a mystery. Today, it seems as if this is just a holiday created by a card company that reminds millions of people all around the world that they need to purchase something romantic and sometimes expensive for their significant other.

Yet, it’s not true. The biggest misconception about Valentine’s Day is that it’s supposed to burn a hole in your pocket. You don’t need to break the bank to give that special someone that feeling of being wanted, you just need to show them that they’re on your mind.

Let’s rewind back to when we were in grade school for a moment, or for those of you that have young children, this will be quite applicable. Remember, each year on February 14th, you would put on your backpack stuffed to the brim with little Valentine’s Day cards that usually had a piece of candy in them. There was one for each student in the class, nothing exclusive. Although you may not have known all the students in your class, it was exciting to receive a little note from everyone. It was the thought that counted. Now, that’s what I believe Valentine’s Day should be about, the thought behind the message, even if it is just a simple one.

I believe that companies can learn something from this! Companies can promote their business while also providing social media users with that warm feeling of getting a Valentine in grade school by creating shareable content this Valentine’s Day. Since the invention of the “Share” button on Facebook, there are quite a few ways to spread this thoughtful holiday. Imagine a Facebook notification popping up while you’re in class or at work from that person you’re thinking about on Valentine’s Day. Even if it’s a corny message, you’ll get that warm, fuzzy feeling. On top of that, you’ll create a positive association with the brand that made the Valentine that you’re proud to have on your Wall.

Another way to utilize this shareable content in through Snapchat, and my favorite campaign I saw a Picture1few years ago was something Taco Bell created. Taco Bell generated simple Valentine’s Day cards, similar to those we received in grade school, but digital, and had a space open for “to:” and “from:” The company really went back to the basic meaning of Valentine’s Day, to send a kindhearted card that showed others that they were being thought of.

So this Valentine’s Day, get back to basics! Thoughtfulness still reigns supreme.