Tag Archives: marketing to millennials

According to a 2016 Gallup Poll, Millennials have the lowest level of customer engagement across the industries that Gallup tracks. Gallup estimates that only “25% of millennials are fully engaged customers”, leaving brands to wonder how to engage the remaining 75%.

Gone are the days when when just posting and publishing frequently was enough. Now, with all the clutter on every form of social media, not only does your content need to be eye-catching, it also needs to be interactive and engaging.

As the younger generations shift their focus to work and individual production, their spending and buying habits shift as well. The Gallup Poll shows that while “71% of traditionalists and baby boomers consider themselves fully engaged with specific brands, only 53% of millennials and Gen Xers consider themselves fully engaged.”. Gallup further ranks each generation by their engagement, and found that “millennials tend to be more loyal and profitable when fully engaged,” as compared to other generations.

It is clear that if the success of a business relies heavily on millennials, understanding how to engage more than 25% of them is necessary for success. Even if a company relies on traditionalists and baby boomers for their profits, it is important to learn to adapt marketing plans as times change.

Consequently, companies need to strengthen their engagement and loyalty with millennials. Here are some tips.

Tips for Marketing to Millennials:

  • Mobilize Your Efforts. 85% of Millennials use smart phones. Ensure your content is optimized for them.
  • Think Like a Millennial. Understand what channels they frequent and how they interact on them. Make sure you are speaking to them and hitting all touchpoint.
  • Content is Key. Give them valuable, interactive, meaningful, honest content about your brand and your story. Tell a story – millennials want to engage.
  • Listen and Adjust. Listen to what they are saying, and be flexible and ready to adjust your plan when necessary.

Ensure your business isn’t missing this important millennial demographic. We here at Front Porch Marketing are ready to help!