Tag Archives: advertisment

Well folks, it’s August! The final month of summer … how you doing? Are you surviving? Are you ready for fall? Summer is my second favorite season and fall is my first! I can’t wait for football, school, my kids sports, and routine; but also immensely enjoy summer adventures, long days, beautiful sunsets and all the water things.

August is The Time for Some Serious Marketing Talk!

Did you see or participate in any ‘Christmas in July’ sales last month?  American advertisers began using Christmas in July themes in print for summertime sales as early as 1950. It is typically used as a marketing tool and is not an actual holiday. If you are interested in a little marketing history you can learn more here. We think this tactic is fine, but we find it to be a bit of a snoozer.

Here’s our take on the term Christmas in July … we recommend planning for Christmas in July. Did you plan? No?!?! Well Christmas in August works too! With Q4 right around the corner it is time to get your marketing strategy and plan set. Especially if you are in retail!

Did you start the year with an annual marketing plan? GOOD FOR YOU. Now is the time to dust it off and do an assessment. We like the start, stop, continue approach. Are your tactics accomplishing your goals? CONTINUE. Is the tactic not producing results? STOP. Need to start something new to achieve your goals? START. We are firm believers that all marketing plans are working documents. Make sure you are working your plan and your plan is working.

Don’t Have a Plan?

Now is the time! Seriously. Q4 is the busiest quarter of the year and you don’t want your messages and initiatives to be reactive. You want a proactive plan to make the most of year end. Don’t know where to start? We are rockin’ plans and plan reviews for the likes of Mister Sweeper, Faith Family Academy, The GEM, Ellen Hoffman Designs and more. We would love to ROCK around your Christmas tree (and by that we mean your marketing plan).

You have a few weeks to get the last of your summer lovin’ in and be ready for Holiday 2017. Let’s go!