Author Archives: Allison Corona Del Cid

Alison Moreno, Front Porch Marketing
Alison’s picture-perfect insights!

This week, we welcome Alison Moreno, our newest accounting rocker, to the team!

Alison Moreno’s Look on Life

  1. What is the biggest misconception about accounting today?

Overall, I’m sure there are several misconceptions about accounting, however, for me, it was thinking I had to be a math wizard to be a bookkeeper. Before, I always struggled with higher math but keeping track of finances is basically just adding and subtracting.

2. What advice would you give to someone struggling with QuickBooks?

Take a class! They are easily available and it’s a very easy program to learn.

3. One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

Love what you do and don’t be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. Surprisingly, you might just realize it’s the most wonderful thing!

4. What does good Accounting look like for a marketing firm?

What I love about accounting is its consistency no matter the company. There are slight changes depending on those that make financial decisions for the company, however, assets will always equal liabilities plus equity.

5. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

At the beach. Hawaii has the best beaches in my opinion but that’s as exotic as my beach expertise gets. We were supposed to go on a cruise this year to celebrate our 15-year anniversary but that’s been postponed. After that, I’m sure I’ll have some more favorite beaches.

6. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

My Grandpa. He was one of my favorite people, and he was a great example to me of a hard worker and kind honest man.

7. If you could describe Alison Moreno in three words what would they be?

Positive, adventurous, hungry

8. What is your favorite thing about FPM?

So far, the people are my favorite thing. Although I have only spoken with a few, I am really excited to work with everyone.

9. Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

Almost 4 years ago I hit my goal weight and had lost 70lbs. Previously, I struggled with weight and eating healthy and finding exercise I enjoy but somehow, I figured it out and it brought me to tears. Overall, it taught me a lot about myself and what I am capable of and I have been able to help friends as well.

10. In what ways does the team at FPM have aligned values?

They are unified in success and creativity. Watching them throw out ideas with great feedback to help each other is such an encouraging thing to see from the get go with a new company.

11. Your goals for FPM?

As a newly certified bookkeeper, I am excited to put my knowledge to practical use and to gain even more knowledge as I work with others and gain experience. Also, I want to be able to answer any question thrown at me or know exactly where to look to answer it.

12. How would you describe the culture at FPM?

So fun and inviting. Watching them discuss ideas and congratulate each other on successes for their clients confirms my opinion of what a great company this is.

13. How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

Honestly, this is the first marketing company I’ve ever done business with so I’m starting from scratch. Nonetheless, I love the personal feel of the environment. It already feels like a family-type unit working together.

14. What is a fun fact about yourself?

I have been a photographer for the past 7 years. Undoubtedly, it is my creative outlet. Even though it is a part-time job, I would do it for free because it is one of my favorite things to do.

In Conclusion

Thank you for tuning in as this New Rocker shares her Porch insights. We are excited to have her on the team and watch her flourish. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions you’d like to ask Alison.

hands holding a heart to show customer experience and the art of a gesture
There is power in the art of incorporating gestures into your day-to-day life!

What do customer experience and gestures have in common? They both speak volumes about your brand as a company and your brand as a person.

From giving a smile to a customer to going the extra mile for a coworker, the art of showing a kind gesture to others has been lost in the haze of living in an individualistic generation. We live from day-to-day with a driven focus of going to the next best thing as soon as we have finished a task. Although this is a productive use of time it strips away the opportunities to foster a healthy and interactive workspace or home space.

Whether it’s a work-related task or a personal task, there is beauty in slowing down once in a while and appreciating the little things and people in your life. This beauty can be seen in the relationship-building that occurs with customers or partnered companies or even neighbors. Although there should be a focus on the task at hand there should also be a focus on the art of gestures. For example, buying a customer dinner before a meeting, finding out a partner is confused about a contract and offering your help, or even sending flowers to a neighbor who is having a hard week.

Regardless of the line of work you do, gestures go a long way. Today, I want to help you improve your customer’s experiences through the art of gestures with three easy steps.

First Step:

Become in tune with your surroundings. You’d be surprised at how much you miss when your eyes are locked on a screen or on a task at hand. There are relationships you could be building with a potential customer you may have never noticed or with a passing stranger who may need help bringing their groceries into the car. With a simple smile or extra hand – your gesture has great power to turn someone’s day around.

Second Step:

Put yourself in the shoes of others. Imagine this: you have a hard day at work and feel so overwhelmed because everything seems to be going wrong. From being late to a meeting to finding out your computer didn’t save the work you had spent hours working on the night before – you feel defeated.

With low spirits, you head back to your desk. Only to find that someone has left you a cup of your favorite coffee and an encouragement note! The note acknowledges the hard work you’ve been putting in all day. Suddenly, the day seems to be not as bad as you thought. You smile and get a surge of motivation to finish the end of the day on a sweeter note.

Something so small can be so big for someone who may not realize they needed that gesture. From a cup of joe to an encouragement note, think about what you may need if you were in another person’s shoes. It may be the start of a beautiful friendship or a fantastic customer experience!

Third Step:

Incorporate words of affirmation into your everyday conversations. Take the time to give a shout out on someone’s hard work or encourage a client who is feeling overwhelmed. It takes only seconds to brighten someone’s day.


No matter where you are, a gesture has the capability to mean the world to someone. You have the power to make a positive difference in someone’s life. Challenge yourself to make that difference and pursue an art that can be found through you.

From day one of my FPM internship, I quickly realized the importance of active learning and most importantly active application. The world of marketing thrums on the excitement of people bringing new ideas to life and sharing them with others. It’s only natural that this excitement creates a lively and dynamic environment where you learn lessons as quickly as you apply them.

Along this journey of active learning and active application, I was able to stretch myself in new ways. From trying to figure out how to prioritize your tasks to navigating uncharted waters, I give you – the ultimate list of lessons.

Top 5 Ultimate Lessons Learned

Ultimate Lesson #1

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Whether you get a job in the business world or take your neighbor’s dog on a walk, everything is a learning journey. When you don’t know what a certain word or task means, ask for example pieces. Once you see examples, you’ll be able to tweak your work as you go. By being open about your confusion, you’ll be able to get more clarity and open the channel of communication with your team.

Ultimate Lesson #2

Embrace your mistakes! No one is perfect – we are all human. Although we strive for perfection, the only way to get better is to learn from your mistakes. Aim for a more efficient and effective thought process the next time you get a task you have trouble with. Undoubtedly, practice makes perfect!

Ultimate Lesson #3

Communication is key! A million and one things happen throughout the day and you can’t expect everyone to know what you are doing, nor can you assume that once you are done with your task that there isn’t more to be done. When you effectively communicate throughout the day with your team members, everyone is able to be on the same page. As a result, better teamwork is able to unfold.

Ultimate Lesson #4

Time management is KEY! When you are delegated multiple tasks with multiple deadlines, it’s imperative to write down a to-do list. Write the list from most important to least important and work your way down to increase efficiency. By creating this list, you’ll be able to track your progress throughout the day and create a drafted timesheet. At the end of the day, a completed list can give you the best feeling of accomplishment.

Ultimate Lesson #5

If you’re on time you’re 10 minutes late! When there is a time set for a meeting, client call, or even deadline, always aim to be present, poised, and punctual. Show initiative by being early. You’ll need those extra minutes for a bathroom break that would have overwise left your client awkwardly waiting for you at the front or needed when you attempt to submit a project right on the deadline but then your computer dies. Without a doubt, you never know what may happen so it is always best to be prepared with a pocket of time.


From being a senior at Baylor University to being an intern at Front Porch Marketing, I’ve used these pockets of wisdom in many facets of my life. These lessons have served me in more ways than one and now my hope is that they will serve you. May you flourish in all of your future endeavors!