Monthly Archives: February 2021

You are trying to save resources and graphic design seems like something you, a team member or a marketing / communications professional can do.

You’ve worked hard to make your dream a reality. Of course, you want to ensure it is recognizable. The first rule of thumb? Build trust in your brand.

Building that trust requires a connection with your target audience. To achieve it, your creative execution must be constantly consistent. It is crucial to get it right.

Here are four tips:

  • Know what you need before you begin. Define your brand pillars to create a strong foundation. What is your brand vision, personality, positioning and affiliation?
  • Next, have a creative professional define brand colors, fonts and creative execution guidelines. Mind the brand.
  • Don’t settle. There are many programs that allow anyone to try their hand at graphic design. Use caution. Layout, font and colors are just a few of the key elements of graphic design.
  • Take your time. If you choose to DIY your brand creation, understand it will be a time-consuming process to get it right. Take the time necessary to not only learn what you want, but what you need. Learn the art of design.

Experience pays. In the end, it will save you time and money to hire a professional graphic designer. They have the programs and experience to communicate your brand. They will give you the exact guidelines to follow to easily remain consistent and help distinguish your brand from the competition.

Own it. Once you have chosen your brand architecture and standards, own them. Use them religiously. Don’t use your logo in one color scheme on one social media post, then alter it for another. Instead of a random mixture of colors, know and use complementary colors. Keep all of your design elements consistent – Every. Single. Time.

There is value in creative and graphic design. Be consistent and follow brand guidelines. If you don’t have consistency, you won’t build connection. Without them, you may as well do nothing at all.

In conclusion, have a partner or team with the experience and know-how to help you stay consistent. We’re ready to rock when you are.

Loving upon your C.E.O.S.

With Valentine’s Day fresh on our minds, let’s talk about how we can love upon our C.E.O.S. (Customers, Employees, Owners, and Suppliers). Most people shy away at the idea of expressing love in a professional context. However, by the end of this article, I hope that I’ll be able to reframe your mindset.

My own mindset shifted when I recently read The Servant by James C. Hunter. I was humbled, enlightened, and awe-struck at how simple yet empowering loving others can be. I started looking inward at how I express love and what that kind of love looks like outwardly.

If I were to ask you who you love in your life and how you show that love what would you say? Family? Friends? Hugs? Kisses? The answers are endless and the thought of being that personal and intimate with C.E.O.S. seems like a bizarre notion – which is completely understandable. Yet, when I talk about love I am not referring to the feeling of love. Instead, I am referring to the act of love.  

The type of love that I want to focus on is agapé love. This type of love is shown through actions of service for others. Extend yourself for the needs of others. Become an active listener. Be present. It’s being intentional. Most importantly, it’s being a leader that embodies a servant heart.  

The First Step

The first step towards embodying a servant heart is to think about other’s needs before your own. For our C.E.O.S. what does that look like? Would you be able to recount their needs and have them agree with what you said? There is a huge difference between wants and needs, yet in the business world, that gap becomes greatly nuanced. If you are constantly trying to meet the wants of everyone, that can quickly become a tiring and daunting task. “Wants” are grandiose and greedy in nature and as quickly as they’re met, more take their place.   

On the other hand, if you are intentionally seeking to meet the needs of the C.E.O.S. and devoting time to understanding why those needs should be met, I assure you that both parties will come out victorious. A solid foundation, a blooming partnership, and a deposit in the emotional bank account will be the fruits of servicing your C.E.O.S. In other words, meeting a want can be a fleeting win but meeting a need can become a foundational victory.  

The Second Step:

Being an active listener is the second step to loving upon your C.E.O.S. Who loves being ignored? No one. We live in a culture where being silenced is stifling and being expressive is stimulating. Communication thrives through the multitude of platforms that technology has given us: Facebook, FaceTime, instant messaging, Snapchat, Twitter – you name it – yet, these platforms have hindered us. We have become so reliant on being heard that the moment others try to speak, we are quick to counter or revert the attention back to the point we were making. In other words, it has become a norm to listen with the intent to speak instead of listening with the intent to listen.  

If we take the time to practice active listening with our C.E.O.S. without a doubt, we will gain much more than just a business contract. For example, trust becomes fostered, patience is cultivated and respect is rewarded. In the words of James C. Hunter, “listening is probably our greatest opportunity to give attention to others on a daily basis and convey how much we value them,” (The Servant, pg. 106). This act of love is transformative in relationships. As a result, your C.E.O.S. truly sees that you value them.  

The Third Step:

Being intentional is the third step to loving upon your C.E.O.S. Showing that you intentionally value others is a beautiful thing. You are letting them know that no matter what their title is, that you see them for who they are as a person. Moreover, by taking the time to understand who they are no matter where they are on the totem pole, you are making deposits into their emotional bank account and garnering respect.  

Being intentional can start with small actions. For example, if you praise someone for doing something, be sure to be sincere and specific. Additionally, when you need to fix a problem, be sure to make the problem the focus, not the person. Lastly, if you’re having a conflict with a team member, try to see the conflict from their point of view. By incorporating intentional gestures into your everyday manner you will not only see a world of a difference in the people around you but you will feel it.  

In Conclusion:

I urge you to love upon the C.E.O.S. in your life with these three steps in mind. In conclusion, go the extra mile to serve others, practice active listening, and be intentional with all that you do. If you have a favorite way to show love to those in your life, please share them with us in the comments below. We would love to get to know you and your heart for others! Above all, my hope for you today and every day is that you are shown love and empowered by the notion that to give is to receive.  

What is Content Marketing, and how do you win at doing it? How do you know what steps you need to take? Last month, we talked about doubling down on your brand – envisioning what your brand stands for, evolving your brand to meet your company’s needs today and emerging stronger in 2021.

This month, we’ll give you some pointers on taking your shiny new branding out into the world – with Content Marketing – for the win. What are the places that consumers will see your brand and interact with it? You’ll want to read thru to the end, because we’re going to tell you exactly what steps to take in this month’s extension of our Marketing 101.

Once your company has been thru a branding exercise, you’ll leave with your game plan and you’ll know what to do next. You’ll have your target nailed down, your brand’s personality defined and know exactly what category of business you can excel within. The first step once you’ve done this important branding work is your visual identity.

Commission an easy-to-use logo that works in many places. Your logo will be on your website, your social channels, your advertising and even on print work like business cards and brochures. Your logo should be simple, look good large or small. It should be easily used in black, white, and any brand colors you designate.

We’ve designed half a dozen new logo systems this past year, and while they are all quite unique to the company they’re designed for, they all have one thing in common – flexibility.

Your Brand’s New Website

If your company has a website, is it responsive, meaning does it work first and best on mobile but also on tablet and desktop devices? Modern websites need to be built with functionality for users top-of-mind.

This is called User Experience, or UX. How your customer goes thru their journey on your website should be carefully considered to make their experience as simple and rewarding as possible.

Next, your website should incorporate other important factors like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which helps search engines like Google find your website easily. Google can then present it as a choice when consumers are searching for a business like yours. Using keywords and key phrases can help search engines determine how helpful your site is answering their questions.

Location is also a very highly weighted factor for search engines as well. If you are, for instance, a local restaurant trying to attract customers in the surrounding area, then this type of information should be of utmost importance when designing your new site.

Your Brand’s New Blog – the Starting Line of Your Content Marketing

Once you’ve built your website, keep your site content fresh. One of the most important parts of a new website is the blog. This is the place where the Content Marketing race starts. Regularly updating your blog means Google will keep revisiting your site to catalog the new helpful information you are sharing to “index” it for customers to find in search.

Blog posts are like a regular newspaper column for readers. They can subscribe to receive your news. They can make comments on your article at the end of the article. We write blog posts on topics relevant to our customers’ businesses for their website. This helps them to both build relationships with current customers as well as attract new potential customers.

Help solve people’s problems. Make this key in your blog content. Also, posting on a regular basis is equally important.

Your Brand’s Content Marketing Outreach

Think of your new site as your business’ virtual storefront. It’s your home base. Your social channels – like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – and other tactics like email marketing, Text Message Marketing are in essence, not just your advertising, but your chance to talk to your customers 1-on-1. An opportunity to develop a relationship with them. Each of these tactics has a specific use for a small business – every channel is not appropriate for every small business.

Winning in Email Marketing

Content marketing’s main ingredient is email. First, email marketing shares insider information with your best customers. After all, they opted in to receive this email newsletter from you. For instance, retail stores could offer special discounts, special not-on-the-website items, and special gifts-with-purchase to their favorite customers – which in the digital world would be their email subscribers.

For a restaurant, email marketing can announce a dining event, or a big menu change. Or a business service could announce open jobs, industry news that would affect their customers or tips and tricks to get the most out of their service.

Winning in Social Media

Social media, as a content marketing winning tactic, promotes blog posts, events, promotions, products or simply build conversation and relationships with different customers.

Our restaurant example, for instance, would want to rely heavily on Facebook, as that is the place to grow a local community – interacting with actual people who rely on their business, garnering reviews from customers, and posting events that their businesses is hosting.

But, an interior designer however, would focus on Instagram, as their clients might be all over the country, and consumers on Instagram are interested in all things beautiful. Hashtags #likethisone at the end of an Instagram post help customers find your business, much like the old card catalog at the library could help you find books on a specific topic.

Use Twitter for getting and sharing news with industry peers to establish your voice of authority. Are you an expert real estate broker? Then, share industry news in your category and give your take on any particular article. Follow reporters who work on your segment of business and interact with them when appropriate to demonstrate your expertise, making you a viable option for quotes in articles in the future.

Further, on LinkedIn, a non-profit foundation could share their quarterly goals, fundraising efforts and events, and results to a business audience of potential donors and board members.

Your Brand’s Content Marketing Win

Start with your brand. Establish a strategy for your content marketing for the win. Implement your tactics. Understand that marketing, and especially digital marketing, is a marathon with no finish line. How you run that marathon matters. Keep at it, perfecting the steps you take a little at a time. But start by taking that first step in content marketing for the win.

Most business leaders know successful marketers when they meet them. These marketers are focused on the same things they are. Building enterprise and customer or client value.

Marketers must mobilize all the people inside and outside the organization. They are focused on return. Do less, more consistently and effectively.

Therefore, hate to tell you, just because your bestie is on Instagram, doesn’t mean she is a marketer. Newsflash. Sorry to disappoint.

Moreover, our team is filled with seasoned marketers. We have fabulous, cream of the crop interns. They keep up with multiple clients, projects, deadlines, industries and trends. These folks are skilled enough to have conversations with CEOs. Front Porch Marketing is not a teaching hospital. For instance, we are triage surgeons on most days.

Technology and consumer attitudes have and will continue to change drastically. Marketing professionals must stay flexible. Know a bit of everything that is going on in the company. Some days are filled with customer service and distribution. Meanwhile, other are sales management and internal communication.

However, despite the varying roles, these qualities are at these professionals’ core. Super powers they have in common.

The Super Powers of Successful Marketers

  1. Adaptable. In other words, with all technology changing at light speed, know how to evolve with it.
  2. Analytical. Marketing is data driven. Some don’t know what to do with all the data being generated. Therefore, if you can sort through it, and find the relevant. You will be indispensable part of any organization.
  3. Collaboration. Must be an extraordinary team player. Seek input. Solve issues. Foster cooperation. Similarly, often the CMO is the company’s glue. The entire team rallies around the company’s vision because of this person. Illustrate how collaboration creates more value.
  4. Excellent communicators. Words have power. The right words break down barriers and rally the troops. Inside and outside the organization.
  5. Creative. Marketers value innovation. Take risks to facilitate it. They vigorously seek solutions. Explore new approaches. In conclusion, continuously.
  6. Inquisitive. The best marketers are a cross between a detective and a scientist. Therefore, they ask the questions.
  7. Strategic. Start with why. Strategy is the key to successful businesses. Obsessed is a strategic thinker. Constant eye on the market. Diligently studying consumer behavior. In addition, watch the competitors’ every move.

In conclusion, marketing is a marathon not a sprint. Have the right people on your team. Boulders move up the hill with smart people pushing them. Above all, right now, everyone could use a few less boulders. Therefore, pick the marketers that demonstrate super powers.