Tag Archives: processes

I don’t mind telling you, friends – the past couple of weeks have been a complete and total exercise in spinning my wheels. I’ve had some big distractions – visiting relatives, a sick child, a big project, some health issues that needed addressing – but honestly I have had a hard time getting back to prime productivity.

Here’s what helps me right the ship when things veer off track:

Make A List 

Writing out a to-do list keeps it all front and center. I always think I will remember everything that needs doing, but the reality is that things will fall through the cracks if it doesn’t get written down. Pen. Paper. Write it out. It’s important! Plus it makes scratching through things as they get done oh so fulfilling!

Set Aside Time to be Productive

If you don’t schedule it, it may not happen. Designate blocks of time to focus and be productive. One thing at a time – get through that list.

Don’t Fall Down the Rabbit Hole

Distractions are the death knell to productivity. A “quick” telephone conversation, “five minutes” of mindless internet surfing, taking a break for a snack – allowing yourself to be distracted in these ways will absolutely sabotage your productive time.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Everyone has to be fluid when things come up, but productivity is a commitment. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

And … Repeat

A system, any system, needs to happen over and over again to be successful. Staying the course and developing good processes is the key to productivity.