Tag Archives: new experiences


Travel, whether it be across the state border, or across the ocean, has more benefits than many people realize. By broadening your perspective by taking in other cultures, you will have more success in both your work and personal life.

6359524176194484221446729975_travel-01Here are some advantages you gain by stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that trip you’ve always wanted to take:

It changes the way you see the world.

We’ve all heard that traveling into a culture different from your own opens your eyes to the outside world. As cliché as this sounds, it is 100 percent true. You can read about different cultures and people as much as you want, but nothing will give you the same knowledge and experience as actually immersing yourself into that culture.

It helps you empathize with others. 

As we all know, it can be difficult to step into someone else’s shoes when we have little to no information about how they live, how they think or what they believe. No matter where your travels may take you, you will always come in contact with someone who is different from you, and learn a little about who they are and where they come from. This skill is especially important in the business world. Knowing who you are communicating with and understanding their outlook on different issues can be the thin line between success and failure in any business deal.

It gives you a unique kind of confidence.

The confidence one gains when immersing themselves in someplace new and unknown can only be created through traveling. It’s too easy to get overly comfortable in one’s own life, and forget that there are unique and exciting experiences to be had. Working through problems, overcoming language barriers, other issues that arise when traveling, builds a special kind of confidence in a person that helps carry them through their daily lives.

It teaches you how to fit your entire closet into one suitcase.

On a lighter note … this is a challenge that I have personally faced, and am sure others have as well. If you’re going to travel for two weeks, it only makes sense to pack 14 outfits, right? Wrong. A skill that has taken me a long time to master, and one I am most proud of, is my ability to assess an itinerary and pack strategically.

Have I convinced you yet to take that trip you’ve always wanted to take? Do it! You will be glad you did.

Marshall Feltus is the jr. roquera at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her on Twitter at @marshallfeltus. She can be reached by email at marshall@itsfrontporch.com