Tag Archives: july 4th; 4th of July; Independence Day; July 4th memories

Tomorrow marks the 4th of July, the day that our country dons the red, white and blue and celebrates its independence from Great Britain.

Every year, we gather with our friends and family to celebrate the anniversary of our freedom and enjoy our togetherness and our traditions. Regardless of whether you celebrate the 4th with a small group of family, a large group fireworks event, or a beautiful beach-town parade, it’s an exciting and spirited time in the United States. The sights, sounds and smells are familiar and comforting.

July 4 Fireworks

Here are a few of my favorites of July 4th:

Parades! Kids on bikes, dogs in wagons, marching bands, dancing girls, music, floats, crazy patriotic outfits … I love it all!

Popsicles. On a hot day, there’s nothing better.

Barbeques – the smell of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs is everything.

4th of July themed desserts – who doesn’t love some creatively spun sugar?

Lee Greenwood’s Version of “God Bless the USA.” It makes my cry. Every. Single. Time.

Watermelon cut in slices. Quintessential summer. And so delicious.

Sparklers to kick off the firework lineup. So many childhood memories center upon waiving sparklers through the air.

Fireworks. Duh. The more, the better.

Togetherness. Family togetherness. Friend togetherness. Community togetherness. The 4th of July brings us all together, doesn’t it?

The reminder of how lucky we are to live in America. Like seriously, seriously lucky.

From everyone here on the Porch to you, may your 4th of July be filled with joy and celebration. Happy Independence Day, everyone!