Tag Archives: Jobs the Movie

Jobs MovieOne of my favorite movies of the year is Jobs. Who doesn’t like to watch Ashton Kutcher on any screen … sorry I digress …

They had me at, “Don’t be better. Be different.”The. Best. Marketing. Advice. ITHOE. 

In a few critical points in product development, Jobs calls in Steve Wozniak, to help him develop a new product for Atari (that was 1980 somethin’), reinvent the Macintosh, etc.

It got me thinking.

Who is my Woz? Everyone needs one (or 10) Wozs on their team.

Here are a few roles a Woz can play:

  1. Whiz Bang Woz – The creative genius you run a situation or opportunity by, or pass off to, and they come up with THE brilliant idea
  2. Practical Woz – The one who tells you, “They didn’t call your baby ugly.” Enough said.
  3. Relationship Woz – The one who is your people person. Always looking at how thing are interpreted and will play out from the people side of the business.
  4. Financial Woz – The one who asks you the real numbers questions. You may not like the questions they ask but know the answer. Thank goodness for these folks.
  5. Work Life Woz – The one who reminds you to keep it real. The voice that is the same in your head. Work is for work. Enjoy and be present with your family.

Have them in your iPhone contacts and you are good to go.

It was homework for our team members to watch this movie.

One comment was, “Steve wasn’t a nice man.”

Truth. Sometimes the best business owners or leaders are not nice but they are smart enough to surround themselves with folks to remind them to be or they let others lead the people part of the business.

Have you met the Rockette and The Rock?

Julie Porter is the Chief Rocker at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her or her company on Twitter @JulieDPorter01 and @ItsFrontPorch and Instagram @Julie_Porter and @ItsFrontPorch. Connect with her on LinkedIn or email her at julie@itsfrontporch.com.