Tag Archives: finding motivation

original_make_it_happen-3Over the last week, I sat down to write this blog at my desk, Starbucks, the library and various other locations, opened my computer and a fresh new Word document … only to hit a blank wall. A very blank wall. I could blame my lack of motivation and inspiration on my lack of sleep due to my toddler’s current sleep regression, or the added stresses now that summer is over, or my ever growing to-do list that just seems to keep getting longer, or a number of life’s other distractors. BUT, in all reality, it’s always something, isn’t it?

And I know I’m not the only one. 

With my deadline looming, I realized that my motivation wasn’t going to just come to me… I had to find it. And ironically, my lack of inspiration turned into my inspiration! Here are some of the ways I overcome creative blocks and tackle tasks that sometimes seem impossible to get done:

1. Focus – Set aside time, sit down and FOCUS. Turn your phone off (or if you need to be reached in case of emergency, turn it on vibrate and turn it upside down), turn off your email and step away from social media and the internet black hole! Hold yourself accountable for that one hour – or however long you need to get started – make the necessary progress, and finish the project.

2. Make the Extra Time – It’s not ideal to work outside of your regular work hours, and it’s important to unplug for personal and family time. But sometimes, you just have to invest the extra time to meet your deadline. Whether it’s waking up early, eating lunch at your desk, or sitting back down at your computer in the evening after you’ve had dinner and a chance to unwind. Personally, that’s one of my favorite times because my creative juices really flow with a glass of wine!

3. Change Your EnvironmentWorking at Starbucks provides energy that can be contagious, but at times it can be too loud for me to concentrate. The library is a great place to go to find a nook and hunker down, but it can also be too quiet. Depending on your project, find a place that will fuel your inspiration.

4. Step Away – Even with a deadline looming, it’s important to step away (but NOT during your set aside time mentioned in #1). If you’re like me, sometimes you return to find that your work is even better that you thought! And, other times, you return to find it’s terrible. Either way, you’ll be in a better place.

5. Just Do It! – Procrastination is not a good habit, and I don’t recommend it. But, at times, it’s necessary and even beneficial. There’s something to the saying “Nothing makes a person more productive than waiting until the last minute.” If the last minute is all you have, just make it count!

There! I did it! Motivation found. Now, what’s next on my list?