Build Your Career with Social Media

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The power of social media platforms has skyrocketed.  Social media is now an essential part of building a professional career, a way to stay on top of the latest trends, and connect with companies.

The power of social media platforms has skyrocketed.

Here are three popular social media platforms that can build your career.


LinkedIn is considered to be the top online source for accessing job recruiters and managing a professional social media reputation. Most professionals use the network to keep in touch with their current network.

But, you can also use LinkedIn to connect with who you want to know. Look up what LinkedIn groups they are part of and request to join those groups. Raise your visibility by contributing to group discussions.


Twitter is the online capital of instant and direct communication. It’s a great platform to promote your professional brand expertise.

Follow industry influencers on Twitter.  Observe the topics and trends they are talking about. This can serve as a jumping off point for online and, potentially, in-person connection.


Instagram is one of the best platforms to show off your digital savvy. With visually pleasing content, you can display who you are personally and professionally.

Spend time looking through a company’s Instagram account. Note how they are engaging with audiences on the platform. This can create unique ideas for how you can find opportunities and openings.

Keep in mind that building your career through social media is an art, not a science. Pick and choose platforms that your audience connects with best.

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