Tag Archives: small business owners

aphero72514Want to know a little secret? Summer is not, well, pleasant for me.

Don’t get me wrong! I love spending extra time with my children, the vacations, hanging with out of town visitors among other things.

Working parents have several balls in the air during the school year. When summer comes, those spherical objects spin and a multiply. Heck ~ I dream about them.

In addition to keeping my family’s schedule straight, as a small business owner, I am also managing my team’s vacation schedule and filling in the gaps where needed. Even rockers need vacations!

Here are some things for working parents to rely on during the month of August:

  1. Camps – Even if it is one from 1-4 p.m., sign that boy or girl up.
  2. Helpers – Full time babysitters, part time college helpers, couldn’t get through this chaos without them. I have three and only two kids. No joke.
  3. Friends – Ditto. They help with the shuttle to and fro, the additional activities to keep the kiddos entertained and they are your go to for that much needed GNO.
  4. Family members – Make the call. Most often than not, they want to help and spend time with your children without you around.
  5. Your colleagues – Amazing how helpful they can be in a pinch if you just ask.
  6. Exercise – It changes your mood and increases metabolism.
  7. Mindless activity – Read a trashy novel, do the dishes, watch TV ~ I am currently obsessed with The Good Wife and watch an episode every night before I say nigh nigh. Already plowed through these this summer: Homeland, House of Cards, Revenge and Scandal. Started on episode one, season one on all of them.
  8. Positive thinking – Think half full. Always. Being an optimist reduces your stress and is better for your overall health and well being.
  9. Healthy eating – How do you feel after eating fast food? Nuff said.
  10. Sleep – It is non-negotiable. We need seven to nine hours to be productive.
  11. Music – It can have a powerful effect on mind and body far beyond its ability to promote relaxation and stress relief according to Dr. Andrew Weil.
  12. To do list (Mine is a ta da list) – Hit the ground running in the mornings with focus and a list of tasks at hand. Here’s a great article to how to make yours effective.

Only a couple of weeks before school starts. You can do it!